June 25th marks the end of an era on so many
I started this blog early in 2010 to keep family and friends
in Ontario
apprised of what was going on here on the island, which had been my new home
since the end of April 2009.
So much has happened over the past 11 years and those who read
this on a regular basis have been along for the ride, and I thank you all so
much for that, but Adventures in PEI
has come to an end.
As you pretty much all know, my status has changed to that
of a single woman, once again.,. I am currently on the island, after serving my
14 day sentence isolation, and am spending my last few days here
soaking up as much “island” as I can.
Our house has been
sold and our closing date is today, June 25th which ironically is the perfect
date for all things to come to an end (our 31st anniversary). But
life goes on and I have successfully built a new life back in Ontario . For that I am eternally grateful to
several people and you all know who you are.
So I am enjoying my last few days here with good friends. I
moved into the VanGaal residence on Sunday morning after my 14 days was up and
I’ve been treated royally ever since. Sunday evening was a delicious lobster
supper with another couple of friends, although this was not my first lobster
feast. Once a week a lobster feast with all the trimmings was delivered to my
place of isolation. Apparently the plan was to make me tired of lobster before

I met up with 4 of the staff from Sobeys and we had a lovely dinner and very enjoyable time catching up. I got back to Fort Augustus just in time to join a gang inside the screened tent down by the stream by the shop. A perfect way to end the day.
Wednesday morning (One day till closing) and I was over to finish up a few things at the house. I tidied up the last bits, vacuumed through and mopped the kitchen floor. After attaching my bicycle to the rack on the back of my car it was time to leave for the last time. I know I should have felt some degree of sadness leaving, but it's just not my home anymore. I have a new life somewhere else and I'm looking forward to getting back to that.
On the way home I stopped at the shop for coffee with Brenda and the "boys". When you invite yourself for coffee it's only polite to bring treats, and of course that increases the numbers! It was nice to see everyone and have a chance to say good bye.

Back at the VanGaals, we got ready to spend a sunny afternoon on the water. Our friend Jackie is an oyster fisherman and had graciously offered to take us out for a ride. We met in Mermaid and the boat was launched. Being a fishing boat, it's not set up for numerous passengers. No worries. In true island fashion we made it work. Lawn chairs and coolers provided everything we needed for a most relaxing day on the water.
From there it was a bit of a whirlwind. Off to the post office to change my address, then over to Stratford to visit a friend from Sobey's. Finally out to Wheatley River to have supper with Charles and Laura before returning and calling it a night. None of any of this past week would have been possible without a lot of assistance from Brenda and Bernie. They are two people I am going to miss terribly once I'm gone, but I will be back for vacations, you can be sure of that.
Today is the closing on our house and we have a meeting at the lawyers to sign the paperwork. Then tomorrow I will head back to Ontario for the final time. It truly has been an adventure and I'm so grateful to those islanders who have made it such an amazing experience. I will miss you all. But like Margie said the other day, this isn't goodbye, it's simply, see you later!