Well, I learned a valuable lesson on the weekend. Don't assume that because you read it online, that it's true. I dutifully did my research last week and for our area it said to plant various seeds and plants at certain times and the ones I planted were to be planted between May 15th and 30th - which I did on Friday night. Only on Saturday did I learn from dear friends Brenda and Bernie, that we don't usually plant things until the first of June, or after the full moon, because there is still a risk of frost. What was I thinking in not checking with my 'go to' people first?
It was a beautiful weekend and my thought was, naw, it's okay, it will be fine. BUT this morning I open up the weather network, and there, in bright red letters, at the very top are these four deadly words - "FROST WARNING IN EFFECT" - for tonight. Can you believe that? It's 5' this morning and we should reach a sunny 16' later but tonight it may go down to 3' with a risk of frost. Guess I know what I'll be doing tonight - covering up my little plants, then I'll swing by and uncover them again in the morning. Better to be safe than sorry.
I spent all evening Friday after work, raking, hoeing and planting my little patch of ground. The guys left me a strip down the side of the field that is perfect for my purposes. It's not a very big garden patch but for the first year it will be enough to start with. Especially when I don't know for sure how long it's going to take Lloyd to get down here. We'll be better organized next year as we'll have the whole winter to plan it all out. For full details of my little attempt at horticulture, skip on over to the other site,
www.atourislandtable.blogspot.com where I'll keep it updated with the progress of things.
Saturday morning looked like it was going to rain all day long but by the time I got home from work, it had finally cleared up quite nicely so I was able to cut ALL the grass. I still have some trimming to do and the patches that I can't get to with the riding lawn mower, but the bulk of it is done. Just in time to head over to the Van Gaals for supper. The boys were all working in the fields so we planned on a late supper. Brenda had found a recipe with shrimp and smoked sausage and pasta and all kinds of yummy things that we tried.She also had a recipe she got from her sister in law for fiddle head soup that we wanted to try. I had some apples I was needing to utilize so I made an apple crisp and brought that over as well. We spent the better part of the evening cooking and it was just ready when Bernie came in. Talk about timing! The fiddle head soup had a nice fresh flavour but Brenda says it was thicker when she had it at her sister in law's. It may have been the type of potatoes we used, or who knows what. The pasta dish was also very good. It was flavourful with just a touch of heat to it but we would increase the amount of sauce ingredients next time. We overcooked the apple crisp because both of us kind of forgot it was in the oven, (and no, we didn't have any wine while we were cooking) but with a bit of ice cream, it was still okay.
Sunday we planned to take our bikes on a bit of a tour of the National Park before we have to pay to get in and before it gets busy with the summer crowd. My bike was at Brenda's so I met her over there a little after 10:00. Unfortunately, for reasons we just can't comprehend, her key was left on and her battery was totally dead. Bernie tried charging it but it wouldn't keep going. So we put a trickle charger on it and went back inside to make breakfast. After we ate, we checked it again and it still wasn't charging. So, on to plan B, which is usually kayaking. But, as it is the middle of planting season, the truck we would normally use wasn't available. On to plan C - which was bicycling on the trail. We've never done that before but we've talked about it a bit. So I decided to drive my motorcycle home, and Brenda would follow me if my car, after we put her bike on the bike rack. I knew I would be a few minutes ahead of her as she had to go and get changed. Well, my ride home was uneventful until I got to the driveway. I slowed down too much at the end and stalled it as I made the turn. I re-started it and was just coming up the hill when I was distracted by a car backing out of the neighbours driveway. I turned to see who it was, as it was a car I didn't recognize (okay, I was nosey) and when I turned back it was just in time to see the front wheel of my bike about to slide off the side of a rut in the road. I knew it was going over so I was able to get my left leg out of the way. Fortunately I was going very slowly (or I might have been fine if I'd had my speed up a little) but over she went. I was quite pleased that I was able to pick it back up again, albeit with quite a bit of effort. As I was almost at the top of the slope I just pushed it the rest of the way. The problem is now it won't start. Bernie says he'll come over one night and have a look at it when he gets some time.

So I parked it out of the way, and went and got changed. A few minutes later Brenda arrived and we decided that we just were not meant to motorcycle yesterday. Instead we loaded up my bicycle and headed over to Morrell. The trail from there to St. Peter's is particularly beautiful as it has many water views of the Morrell River. It was perfect biking weather - not too hot with a slight breeze. At first we found it a bit chilly but once we got going it was great. We were surprised that the trails weren't busier but we only met 3 or 4 other bikes the entire time. For our first time out on bicycles in a very long time we thought we did pretty well.
There are signs along the way marking the number of kms. and we did a total of 12 km. I'm not feeling it today, but I know I will tomorrow. I am finding my arms, shoulders and upper back a little stiff but I suspect that's from picking up the motorcycle.
After our ride, we loaded up and came back to my place for a much deserved glass of wine and a couple of quesadillas.
My crepe maker was used in the morning to make tortillas and again to cook the quesadillas and it worked brilliantly. I think that will be supper again tonight. We sat outside at the back and enjoyed the sunshine and the buzz of multiple humming birds visiting the new feeders I put out yesterday. They really are amazing little birds.
After eating, I drove Brenda home and we decided to go to the Rec Centre to see the Irish visitors. I'll tell you about that tomorrow.