Conditions at 5:40 am: raining and a chilly 5' that feels more like 1'
Expected later: a mix of sun and cloud and a high of 8' that's only going to feel like 4'
Finally it's all done! What a week it was. Lots of late nights and very early mornings but everyone seems to have been satisfied with our efforts. Lunches at Toyota are always somewhat of a challenge, as Lloyd stays in town after work and meets me there around 11:00. So the challenge for me is to make absolutely sure that I have everything we need when I leave the house in the morning. But it all worked out.
Friday night was spent doing a few last minute things for Saturday's lunch. I was up early Saturday morning and had everything organized (I hoped) to load the car. Lloyd packed up everything between his truck and my car and he was off, while I went round and picked up Brenda and then we headed into town to pick up last minute stuff. The bakery where we were picking up the rolls doesn't open till 9:00 so we found ourselves sitting and waiting in the car for a few minutes for them to open. I was afraid we would have way too many buns as I had ordered 12 dozen, and in the end we only had 102 guests but we had 3 rolls left at the end of the day so it was good we had extras.
Saturday's menu:
Green Salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, grated carrots and shredded red cabbage, with a choice of three dressings.
Firehouse chili with sour cream and cheddar
Butter tarts and squares for dessert.
We weren't able to get into the area where the meal was going to be served until sometime after 11:00 as
they were doing training in there, so it was a bit rushed at the end but we managed to pull it off, with some help from a few firemen who put chili bowls down in front of folks.
When they were done, we cleaned up, and set the tables for Sunday so that we had less to do the next day.

That turned out to be a great idea, thanks to Brenda, who came up with the suggestion. Saturday evening was spent shredding cabbage, and cooking pasta for salads. In fact it went so well, that we were all done by 8:00 and Lloyd and I were able to take a glass of wine, some pate, cheese and crackers out to the balcony. It had been an absolutely glorious day, temperatures in the low 20's and lots of sunshine, and the great weather continued into the evening.
Sunday also ran pretty smoothly. Once again Mother Nature was on our side. It was a still mild, but overcast and looked like rain, but it never really materialized. In fact the sun came out later and it was another gorgeous day. Lloyd left home around 9:00 with the pulled pork, to put into the ovens to heat, while I picked Brenda up after church, and then we motored into town. We were held up at a couple of spots, as the PEI Marathon was going on, but we still had ample time to get everything ready.
Sunday's menu:
Pasta salad, coleslaw, Pulled pork on a bun, cupcakes and squares for dessert.
The salads were dressed, the cupcakes were iced and the buns sliced, at the venue and then we were ready. In fact we had time to spare. Then it was time and once again we had some great help from a couple of the firemen, so a big thanks to them.
We didn't realize that the annual general meeting was taking place immediately after lunch, in the same area, so we weren't able to go in and clear the tables. We were able to take the food dishes off but the rest was left for them to clean up when they finished. It was all disposable so the clean up would have been pretty easy.
All in all it was a great weekend. A huge thank you to Brenda, we really couldn't have done it without her expertise!
Patti called last night to find out how things had gone and reported that the kids skating meet went well, with James bringing home a silver medal and Tristen bringing home gold! Well done, guys.