Thursday afternoon, I arrived home from work and was greeted to a new chair sitting on my back step. We have a very talented friend who makes these chairs with a particular wood he sources in the woods in the spring. He's made some pretty interesting pieces over the years and I'm very thrilled to add one of his creations to my new flower bed. A huge thanks to Richard.
Friday was our weekly Capture the Queen of Hearts and we were pleased to have her captured! Thus ends our weekly Friday night events, at least until the fall. Congrats to the winner, Darcy Dunn of Fort Augustus. He wasn't there so his mom drew the card for him. A huge thanks will be going to her I expect.
Work is still progressing slowly on the little barn. Weather was great on the weekend so more got done. Meanwhile the goats are enjoying exploring a new little structure that's out in their field. The roof seems to be the most interesting place to hang out!
Lloyd's flight to the Azores is booked, after quite a few technical glitches. A huge thank you to Patti for persevering and getting it looked after. It was truly a challenge but she succeeded! I know he's really looking forward to his trip and he's got lots to do before he goes. Hopefully he works well under pressure!
Well, we were truly blessed by the weather gods on Saturday and Sunday. I had planned to ride my bike to work on Saturday morning but had trouble starting it - again. (Just as well, because I realized on Sunday that I'm jut not ready to head to town yet. A little bit of practice is in order). So Brenda met me in town and we headed out for a little tour, with me following in the Miata. Good thing it turns out as we needed the extra cargo space in the end. We met up at Jewell's for ice cream and to pick up a couple of plants for Brenda's garden. The we headed cross country and criss crossed our way around before ending up back in town. A call from the guys indicated they were planning a little guys get together and they needed some supplies, such as beer, etc. Good thing we had the car.
After getting all our shopping done, we headed home. Some lobsters had been ordered the previous evening so Brenda came over and we dined on lobster and wine in bug free comfort, while the boys fought off the mosquitoes beside the creek and BBQ'd sausages. To each his own!
Sunday was yet again another gorgeous day, with temperatures in the high 20's. Brenda's cousin and his wife were over for a few days so we all met up in Cardigan for breakfast. Lloyd and Bernie were headed out for a bike ride. After breakfast we all went our separate ways. I took the scenic route home and cut some grass when I got back. Then it was don all the leather gear to meet Brenda for a bike ride. I missed her call and got to her house where we decided it was really way too hot to have an enjoyable ride. I was really needing to go out to a vacant parking lot and do some practicing so I left my bike at her place. Not doing much riding the past two years has left me a little rusty. Better to get in a bit of practice before hitting the road too seriously...

Instead we headed back to my place where we shelled some of the lobster to make lobster rolls.

Our plans were for a supper on the beach later, the first one of the season! We all met at Lakeside around 6:30 and enjoyed salads and lobster rolls as well as a beverage. Really, does it get any better??? Well actually, yes it does. Lobster season ends this week so we won't have to eat any more of those dreadful little critters. They do get tiresome after a while. One more meal last night and thankfully we're done until next year!!!- just kidding. We will eagerly await our first feed again next spring.
The beach had a few people on it when we got there, which was no surprise as the temperature was 27'.. The people who had been there all day were just leaving as we arrived so we pretty much had the place to ourselves.
Meghan came out on Monday evening and four of us did a few rounds on our bikes at the school then we were off. A short practice run out through Bethel, around and back through Fort Augustus gave us novices a good little start. Each ride builds confidence.