It's been a busy week, sometimes, and relaxing at others. In fact, there were days when we didn't get out of our pajamas until midday. Such is the stuff of vacation days I suppose.
Last Tuesday evening Brenda, Petra and I went into town to see Irish Mythen, an Irish singer who has made PEI her home. She's got an amazing voice and is funny as hell to boot. A very enjoyable time was had by all.
I worked a couple of days so I recruited Petra to come and help me. Lots to do to keep the cards stocked up for those last minute shoppers.

One day we went for a walk in the woods. Petra had some nice warm furry mittens that a friend had
given her before she left. It wasn't bad in the woods but walking back to the car she needed them. We've been watching the temperatures in London and they are hovering around 10' to 12' with some sun thrown in. Needless to say she's finding it quite chilly here, in spite of our constantly telling her "this isn't cold, it's a lovely day".
We spent an enjoyable afternoon at Dave's shop. He puts on a bit of a celebration every year and we are fortunate to be invited. Caitlin and Mike had arrived in the wee hours of the morning so they were also able to join us.

We took a drive out to Borden one day to see the bridge in the daylight. It was really cold that day,
with the wind coming off the water. It was dark when we drove across it last week so we wanted her to see it in the daylight.
On our way there we stopped in to Summerside so she could see Lloyd's plane. She was impressed that he built it all by himself.
We had planned our trip so we would get back via North Rustico. I've heard they have amazing Christmas light displays. It wasn't dark yet when we got there so we found a little spot to have some food and by the time we were done, the lights were on. They seem to be in clusters but are quite fun to see.
Christmas Eve was another lovely day, no snow in sight. We spent an enjoyable evening with the VanGaals. Lots of food, lots of great conversation, lots of dishes left for the host family!
Christmas morning was a leisurely time with coffee and a late breakfast. Once again, Santa spoiled me much more than I deserved, I'm sure. We usually do stockings for each other and we did one for Petra. She was quite thrilled as she hadn't gotten a stocking since she was a child.
We had been watching the weather all week. As Christmas day got closer the weather forecast got worse. Eventually we were up to an expected 25 cm of snow predicted. What to do. Should we postpone our dinner till Boxing day so our friends who were traveling could get here safely. We decided to wait it out and in the end it was a lot of hoopla over nothing. We got a bit of snow and a tiny bit of freezing rain, but in the end, everyone arrived safely. We had a lovely dinner and great company once again. We skipped the turkey and opted instead for roasted Cornish hens
I have lots of work to do this week. I have to take down all the Christmas cards at the pharmacies and put out the valentines cards. Now I'm one of those people pushing the seasons seemingly way too early!