I determined pretty early on this morning that I'd not be able to get the car out of the parking lot behind our current place of residence. No worries, I can walk to at least one of my stores. Fortunately the Queen Street pharmacy was open so I was able to complete my work there. I needed to go to the Credit Union but unfortunately it was closed. Not sure if it's for the entire day. I'll have to check that online.
So now I'm enjoying a nice hot coffee at Timothy's and watching the cars slipping and sliding along the street. Of course if I was in my own place, I'd be sitting in the window admiring the snow from beside my gaily lit Christmas Tree. Oh well, next year.
Lloyd has discovered his new favorite store - Clover Farm over in Brighton. It's a little grocery store within walking distance of our place. They sell all kinds of regular items as well as many middle eastern products as well. He was there yesterday and picked up a few things so he made supper last night. They have the very large, very thin wraps and he filled those with a combination of leftover cooked chicken, hummus, feta cheese, really great kalamata olives and I'm not sure what else. Whatever was in them, they were delicious. We still have a bit of chicken left so I suggested if he wants to make the same thing again tonight, he's more than welcome to.
I have a couple of errands I was going to do last night while he was sleeping but the snow put a halt to that. With any luck I can do them tomorrow. The snow is meant to last till supper time, so I think today is a lost cause. The up side is it's not that cold and the wind isn't too bad here in the city but I suspect the country roads may be a different story.

Yesterday we drove up to Purolator and sent Lloyd's log book for his airplane on it's way to it's new owner. When he got back into the car he commented that now his plane is officially gone. I know that wasn't easy for him.
Once finished I went to Parkdale Pharmacy and Lloyd walked back from there. He's certainly finding lots of opportunities to walk in preparation for his trip in January. He's also been trying to watch what he eats but that's almost a lost cause this time of the year.