Wednesday Ian slept in and got a good sleep before heading out onto the road to Montreal. He and Lloyd really hit it off and they shared several lengthy conversations. He left mid afternoon, stopping into the dealership to say good bye on his way out of town and off the island. Thank you Ian, for stopping by and visiting - we really enjoyed getting to know you.
Sunday dawned bright and sunny so I met Brenda after church and we picked some raspberries at the corner u-pick farm. She was making some raspberry pies, Will's choice for his birthday supper on Sunday. I planned to make some jam with my berries. We ended up picking more than we planned on. They were so plentiful and delicious looking it was hard to stop once we got going.
Lloyd and Bernie had gone biking early in the morning, with the plan of being at the bridge in time to meet up with Meghan(1) who was arriving by shuttle for a few days holiday. She rode on the back of Bernie's bike with her luggage nestled nicely into the sidecar. I think she must have been a little surprised to see the boys roll up on their bikes to pick her up!
When Lloyd got home we went out and picked some wild blueberries. I love this time of year and the bounty that is PEI.
The fat, ripe red berries hanging on the bushes at the farm down the road - they're the best!
And the wild blueberries seem to be very plentiful this year as well.
I love taking the dog for walks down the back lane, and seeing all the fields bright with wild flowers
Even the grain field on the way back is a beautiful sight
Of course, no walk is complete without a stop to visit the pigs on the way by.
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