We've woken up to a light covering of snow for the first time this fall. It's such a lovely sight. Or course, once we've dealt with huge masses of the stuff over and over again, it kind of loses it's appeal, but for now it's beautiful. Unfortunately it's likely to be gone in the next 24 hours or so. Too early to haul out the skis and snowshoes just yet.
Busy week just passed. The most exciting thing is James passed his drivers test and is now licensed to drive by himself. Well done James. Now he can drive himself off to various Christmas parades and highland games. I wonder if he drove himself off to the parade this past weekend in Puslinch?
It is that time of year.
Our Christmas parade was on Saturday and I was in town, but I didn't stick around to watch it. I was helping the PEI Speedskating club at their Atlantic Cup meet. I've met some really nice people there when volunteering in the past and it's nice to catch up with them, albeit only once a year. While there I had the pleasure of meeting a young woman by the name of Jamie MacDonald. She's a speedskater from out west and is headed to the Olympics in February. It's kind of neat when you have actually met someone who will be competing. Makes the watching that much more interesting, so good luck to her.
Saturday was also the Victorian Christmas weekend, when dozens of vendors set up shop on Queen Street in town for three days. There's also all sorts of other activities planned around this event and it gets quite busy. Not so much fun for the vendors if it's cold and wet but Saturday should have been lovely. The sun was out and the temperature was around 10' so a perfect day for residents to get out and do some Christmas shopping. I had thought about putting a table in but didn't get my act together early enough to have enough baked cookies to last for three days. I do have some cookies baked but I have some orders to fill so that's going to keep me busy in the next couple of weeks. Perhaps next year I'll plan a bit better. I'd like to do a whole range of gingerbread cookies. There's nothing like that at the market (or at least there hasn't been in the past). Plus a week from Friday is the Flying Clubs Christmas party so that will occupy a bit of time over the next little while.
We endured a wicked wind storm during the week that left quite a bit of damage it it's wake. We were very fortunate in only losing some of the older branches off the trees but others weren't so lucky. In fact when I drove into town, there was a huge trampoline hung up on the power lines. An interesting sight to see. We did lose power for a few hours, but that's not a big deal.
I also worked out at Island Honey Wine Company. They have these huge tanks that hold enough wine for 1500 bottles. We washed, sanitized, bottled and corked them all. Tomorrow I'm off to do it all again.
We also had the pleasure of attending Lloyd's work Christmas supper on Friday night. It's held at Red Shores and is always a nice time.
Now that there's snow on the ground, I suppose I might get away with putting out a few Christmas
decorations. Petra is arriving on the 15th and we're going to go out and cut down our tree so that won't be happening yet but that doesn't mean other stuff can't go up!