Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, February 24th - Loving this milder weather

After several days and nights of VERY cold weather it's really nice to welcome some sunshine and milder temperatures. Although we're not as warm as some areas, it nice to see the ice melting. After the last freeze up there was a lot of it around and walking was somewhat treacherous. Of course now we have mud in spots but that's okay too.

Not a lot going on out here. Just working and catching up on TV I missed while I was away, and reading, lots of reading.

When we were in Florida, we spent one afternoon looking for a prom dress for Meghan. After trying on a LOT of dresses, she found one she liked but it wasn't available in her size. The store advised they could order one in and have it shipped but of course being from Canada posed a bit of a challenge. Fortunately Greg's mom, Lynne, was with us, as we were staying at their condo. So the store arranged to have the dress mailed to their address, and they would bring it with them when they returned to Canada in the spring. Problem solved. Fortunately the dress arrived two days before they were leaving. Unfortunately it didn't fit quite right, On the Sunday morning, after dropping James off at the airport, the dress was successfully returned to the store.

Now back home and the hunt is on for another prom dress. I received confirmation last week that a replacement has indeed been found and she has said "Yes to the dress"  It's absolutely beautiful and much nicer than the one she found in Florida. We didn't see anything quite like this one down south, I'm sure there will be lots of photos come prom night.

Meanwhile her younger brother Tristen has been busy with the cadet band. He competed this past weekend on the Tenor Drum. He finished first in his group so I'm sure he was pretty pleased. I remember taking him to Karate competitions and he would be so discouraged when he just came home with a trophy for simply participating. This one is well earned and I'm very proud of his efforts.

Meanwhile big brother James spent his weekend entertaining. Patti had a short layover in Halifax on Sunday so after lunch that seems to have featured Oysters, he took her to a Moosehead's hockey game. He sure knows how to show a girl a good time!  But it was nice for them to have some time together.

One more thing, Meghan made a video for her art class using photos and video she had taken on her trip to Italy. Interspersed in the video you will see pictures labeled as Proposal #1, #2, etc. Those are works of art that she has done herself. She really is quite a talented you lady.  It's not that long a video, about 8 minutes but really captures the essence of her travels.

1 comment:

  1. If he was showing me a good time, why did I have to pay for everything? :)
