Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday, June 2nd - Old McDenny's Farm has become a busy place

It's amazing what can happen over 7 short days. It's quite cool right now, after several very warm days, but some rain is good and the warmer weather will be returning later in the week.

1) Cooper seems to have settled in after his long truck ride. I think he had a great time with the other dogs but has quickly settled back into his old routine. He's especially intrigued with the new livestock that's been arriving.

2) I found a spot for the antique doll carriage that I was graciously given by Brenda's cousin in Nantucket. It was headed for the goods exchange and I got there first. I've found a spot for it at the top of the stairs. I added a couple of other old items that have come my way and I'm quite pleased with the results. It's truly the best souvenir of Nantucket.

3) Lloyd arrived home last Monday,  and Tuesday morning he picked up 25 baby chicks. They were just a day old so they were tiny balls of yellow fluff and it's amazing how much they've grown in a week. In a little while they'll be ready to move to their new pen outside, but not yet - there's no house out there for them yet.

4) Shortly after the chickens, Petunia Pig came to live with us. Lloyd was picking her up on Saturday morning so his week was a mad rush to put up a pig-proof fence and a shelter for her to get out of the weather. We'd like to have two as they do much better with company, both growing physically as well as mentally - apparently they are quite social animals. So we're on the hunt for another one and we may have found it. In the mean time she seems to be settling in quite nicely. She's quite the character and has quite a personality. She only weighs around 45 pounds so she's got lots of growing to do before fall. The dog is quite curious about this new addition, and the pig is quite curious about the dog.
I was talking to Patti and Tristen on the weekend and he thinks the second pig should be called Piggly. I told him it could be Piggly Wiggly, just like the grocery store and he thought that was the funniest thing ever, that someone should give a store that name, but we assured him it was true. 

5) Lobster season is in full swing so I picked up a bunch on Saturday afternoon and we enjoyed them with the VanGaals on Sunday evening. There were left overs so Lloyd had some last night, as I was out for supper in town with a friend, and I see there's still some left so lobster AGAIN tonight. How boring! (NOT)

6) The tulips are in full bloom. We took a ride down the road on Sunday night before dark to see them. What a magnificent display they make each year. There's a sign up this year that hasn't been there before asking people to please take all the photos you like but please don't drive into the fields or pick the tulips. We did drive around the outside a bit but there's already a road there. But we certainly didn't pick any, as tempting as that might have been with the wide variety of colours available.

7) Because it was such a beautiful day on Saturday and Sunday promised to be wet and colder, it was finally time to give the grass it's first cutting. It's not so much fun during black fly season. We have a repellent that works well on mosquitoes and is supposed to repel black flies as well, but doesn't really work so well on those tiny biting machines. I felt so bad for the poor pig - she was just covered in them and they were driving her slightly mad, trying to brush them off her little body against the side of her shelter.

8) James is receiving an award at school today, although he has no idea what it's for. Guess we'll find out as later today. Whatever it is, congrats to you, James. Well done - whatever you did!

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