Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday, July 21st - short and sweet today

Today's post is going to be short and sweet for two reasons:
1) there really wasn't much going on this past week
2) I slept in this morning!

After a week of absolutely lovely weather, hot and sunny, perfect for driving around with the top down on the car, this week started out cooler and very wet and it's pretty much going to stay that way for most of the week. But they promise more good weather is on the way.

The only really exciting news this week is that Meghan finally convinced her parents to let her have a baby bunny. She's been wanting one for ever so long and I received a text message on Friday that she had indeed gotten her bunny. We spent a bit of time Saturday morning on facetime so I could see her new pet. He's very cute and she's quite thrilled. But I think she's away at summer camp this week so her little brother has agreed to look after it for her.

I helped Lloyd on Saturday putting up the eaves troughs on the garage, at least on one side anyway. I was supposed to be helping at the Rec Centre but I wasn't watching the time and by the time we came inside it was too late. Sorry about that guys. But it was a smaller wedding so they likely had lots of help.  Lloyd is planning to try to finish up the other side today as it's not supposed to rain, just cooler and cloudy, before the rain returns tomorrow.

Sunday was a drizzly and dreary day and we did absolutely nothing. Well, that's not quite true. I spent a couple of hours out in the craft room and then came inside. We watched a couple of movies but pretty much did nothing all day. I must say it was quite relaxing. I think it's good to do that every so often. We'd been quite busy the past little while so it was just what we needed. I talked to Brenda and she tells me they did the exact same thing on Sunday, absolutely nothing. Maybe it was the weather.

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