Needless to say, we were not impressed when we woke up Sunday morning to a blizzard. What a difference a few short hours can make. The radio tells me that Charlottetown received 20 cms of snow by the time it was finished. I believe it. It was quite the sight to wake up to, but it stopped snowing by early afternoon and by supper time the sun was out and it was starting to melt. Rain later this week should take care of most of it, and hopefully that will be it for this year.
The rest of the week has been pretty uneventful. Work is busy right now so by the time I get home, have supper and clean up the dishes, I'm pretty much done for the day. We still have our Capture the Queen of Hearts events on Friday night that I do the trivia for. I'm really hoping someone wins it soon, as I'd like my Friday evenings back! Lloyd has switched days slightly at work so now he goes in on Sunday night and is done for the weekend when he gets home on Friday morning. Now we have Friday nights as well as Saturday night if we want to do anything in town. Not that we do very often, but it's nice to have that option.
Meghan and her merry troupe of dancing pals had their last competition this past weekend in Vaughan. I don't understand how it's scored but I can report that they received 3 diamonds and a platinum score - I'm going out on a limb here and guess that it's a really good score. Congratulations girls, you've had another very successful year of competition.
Remember that rogue tomato we showed you a few weeks ago, whose seeds just couldn't wait for spring? Well, we put a couple of the tiny sprouts
in a pot of dirt .
and look at it now!
And last, but certainly not least, I received a very excited call from Tristen last night. He's been working very hard at karate towards his black belt. I don't know all the details but he had a test and received a very high score and was very proud, as well he should be. He's been training and working really hard to achieve his goal and I'm looking forward to attending a special ceremony they're having when I visit in June. Well done, T!
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