Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday, April 6th - back up to speed!

Well, after some very nice weather in February, March and April haven't really been cooperating. It's been very cold the past few days, with lows of -10' and wind chills of -20' - that's just not right for April! But it is supposed to get milder as the week goes  on so spring is in sight. Before we know it, it will be time to get the little car out of storage, for the summer - I can't wait, I'm counting the days!

Too bad they're so shy with people!
Well we're now using some of our goat's milk. We that is, Lloyd, milks her in the morning and then the kids have her for the rest of the day. They are separated at night and at first it caused quite a ruckus, but now everyone seems to have settled into the new routine quite nicely. We don't yet take enough to make cheese, but that will come. The kids are eating grain and hay quite well now so things are progressing. They are both over 25 pounds each and seem to be healthy and happy. Lloyd took the two little ones into the university on Tuesday for their shots. No one was happy while they were away.

Lloyd has started on the fencing in the back field so as soon as the weather gets nice, they should be able to go outside. That will be a welcome change from being confined in the small space they have in the garage.

I've finally finished my T-shirt quilt. It may not be perfect but I'm happy with the results. It's also very warm so I think I'll just keep it by the couch for snuggling up in when it's chilly.  I'm glad to finally have it finished and I can move on to something else. It was a big job and triggered a lot of memories as I worked on it - people I'd met, long training walks and even longer event walks, long hours fund raising, blisters, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. It was an amazing seven years and I'm so grateful I got to share the whole experience with Patti.

With the arrival of April, comes the 2016 version of Burger Love. My gosh, this event has grown. This year there are 73 restaurants participating so there's virtually no way to get round to sample them all. We have managed to have one so far. We met up with friends Richard, Bernie, Brenda, Helena and Jackie on Sunday afternoon at Phinley's in Stratford. By all accounts, it was an excellent burger but we have nothing else to compare it to yet this year. More to come...

Meg and her dance friends attended their second last dance competition this past weekend in Niagara Falls and the final one is this coming weekend. Good luck to all the dancers!

And finally, a big congratulations to our friends, Fran and Walt, as their granddaughter Emma has been awarded a scholarship to play hockey in Pennsylvania. Congrats to Emma and her proud parents and grandparents. Well done!

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