Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday, April 5th - more winter to come?

It's currently 2' at 5:30 am and we should reach a high in the 6 to 8' range later with some sun. But overnight we may get some snow mixed with rain. Earlier in the week they were calling for 10 - 15 cm of snow but now it's down to 1-3 cm. Quite a difference. We still have a lot of snow along the fence rows but higher temperatures and rain on Monday should help with those.

Last night I began work on the baby quilt that I'm attempting to make. It's not that difficult but there's lots of little seams and lots of pressing. Of course I sewed one block in that was turned the wrong way so the pattern didn't work. Then I had to take out several rows of stitching to get to it to fix the problem.  At least I learned to double check before I stitch. In the end it took me most of the evening after supper to sew together one block. If I do one per night I will have them done in a little over a week. But it got me thinking about women generations ago who made numerous quilts, mostly by hand. How did they do it? They had larger families, none of the modern conveniences we have and in the country, multiple chores outside as well as in. Not to mention baking bread and those kinds of things they did from scratch. But I suppose they didn't spend hours per day parked in front of the TV or the computer like we do today.  But I still admire their perseverance and hard work.  I guess also it was a necessity for older generations rather than a pleasant pastime or a hobby.  I definitely have a greater appreciation for their talents.

Well, it's that time again - PEI Burger Love has begun once more. This year there are 31 restaurants participating. It's really taken off from the first year, just 2 years ago when I think there were only 14 burgers to sample. Each year it grows in numbers and definitely in participants sampling the burgers. By last year, the second year, the number of burgers sold had more that tripled, from just over 5'000 to over 16,000.  We haven't sampled any as yet but I'm sure there will likely be at least one sometime over the weekend.  We'll let you know what we find.

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