Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, April 3rd - was our weekend the calm before the storm?

It's currently a chilly -4' and we'll only reach a high today of 0'. Right now the wind is howling and there are some scattered big black clouds in the sky. We may get some flurries later today but watch out for the predicted 10-15 cm of snow on the weekend. Seriously? It's April - what happened to an early spring that was suggested not so long ago?

Hiking on the trail on Sunday
It looks like it's not letting up in Ontario either as they are getting that weather right not. I'm so glad that we had that nice sunny and mild weather on the weekend when the kids were here. It can be so unpredictable this time of year.

It's pretty quiet at our house now. I dropped everyone off at the airport yesterday morning and they made the 6:00 flight. I went downtown to the coffee shop I used to visit every morning and had a coffee and read the paper. I walked in and Michelle said to me - dropping off at the airport?  That's the only time I go there anymore.  It was a really busy day at work so I didn't have time to get tired. It was an early night for me. Brenda dropped by after her meeting to pick up some things I'd gotten for her at the store at lunch and then she headed out. I went right to bed after that.
Stopping for a drink of water on the bridge

When I got home Lloyd had the house all tidied up and put back in order again. The kids and I do tend to create quite a mess when they're here.

Tonight I'll do a little laundry and catch up on that then I need to get started on the baby quilt I need to have finished by the end of May. It it snows all weekend it might be a great time to work on it. Unless of course, the snow stops and we can go skiing, but we'll have to see about that.

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