Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tuesday, March 6 - things are still pretty quiet

Our weather continues to be up and down with still no real winter in sight. They are predicting a possible 15 cms of snow on Thursday but we've been told that before and it's just not happened. As we head well into March we're all beginning to think that this was the winter that wasn't! But anything can happen in March so who knows. A memory Brenda shared on Facebook was the year we were till cross country skiing in May - both on Mother's Day and the 24th of May weekend. Albeit we were in short sleeved shirts and Bernie was following us around the field in the tractor as he got ready for spring planting, but we were still able to get out there. Unlike this year, when the skis have been used once, and the same for the snowshoes.

Lately, it almost seems like Christmas here. Almost everyday something seems to be arriving from our friends at Amazon or other online vendors. Lloyd has been receiving items he's ordered for his trip and I've been getting stuff I've ordered as well.It just seems the arrivals are all spread out so that something arrives almost every day! First it was new packaging for this years cookies, then it was my walking poles.

We attended a local event recently that was a hike of a local trail. Because the trail was too icy we hiked instead across country. Walking poles were supplied and I was anxious to give them a try. I was impressed at how well they worked and after doing some research on the benefits of using them, I decided to order my own pair. We've been trying to get out and do more walking. With both of us heading out on holidays soon,  we know we'll be doing lots of walking.  I always tend to over do it and end up with painful shins which kind of messes up your holiday. So we're hoping that getting in some extra walking ahead of time will be beneficial. Lloyd has even purchased one of those gadgets that tracks your steps!

Lloyd's diet is still going very well. He's lost weight to the point that the smaller pants he bought a while ago are now too big. I know it's not easy to be giving up the foods you really, really enjoy such as fresh baked bread, etc, but he's done extremely well.

Our needle felting class is also going well. We have our last class this Friday but unfortunately I'm going to miss it. Next week is our Open House when representatives from the Government branch that funds the LEAP program will visit to see just how their money was spent! I think they'll be impressed.  There are some pretty talented ladies in our group.  Watch for pictures in an upcoming post.

Meghan and her band of merry dancers were very busy last week. They had their first competition of the year and did very well. Here's the list of numbers her studio performed (Meg is in Comp A)

and here are their results. Very well done!  Congratulations to all the dancers. Looking forward to seeing those numbers performed at the next recital, although I know some of them were performed in last years event. I understand how they were prize winners!

Here's a note from the dance studio:  Thank you to @bedazzleddanceofficial for such a fun and amazing first Comp of the season! We had a blast and it was great to see you again! With 18  1st places, a 2nd and a 3rd up against talented competition from other studios. 5 judges awards, an MC Mark award, two 3rd overalls and three 1st overalls we can’t be more proud of all our dancers hard work and dedication

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