Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, February 11th - it wasn't a snow day, it was a snow weekend!

It's currently -10' this morning but will warm up to -3' later on. It was somewhat of a non activity weekend. Friday Bernie and Lloyd went to Moncton on a day trip and we had no idea when they would get back so Brenda and I  made our own plans. We met here after work for wine and nachos. The boys arrived home just as we were sitting down to eat but they'd had a late lunch so weren't especially hungry. A pleasant evening was spent in front of the TV with good company as we enjoyed our food and heard all about their trip off the island.

It started snowing sometime very early on Saturday morning. It wasn't that we had that much snow but the high winds made it impossible to see. Work called me at 7:30 to tell me they weren't opening so I had the day off!  It kept snowing and blowing all day and all night and continued into Sunday. I'm embarrassed to say I wasn't outside once during the two days. The first thing that happened was the door blew off our small shed. So Lloyd went out and found it and dragged it back and nailed it back in place to cover up the opening.  As the day progressed three pieces were blown off the roof of the newly constructed garage, as it hasn't yet got any shingles. Needless to say going up on the roof in 80 km wind in a blizzard wasn't any kind of option. So all we can do with that is wait till it stops. The snow was blowing from across the river and by Sunday morning it was about three feet deep at the bottom half of the lane and on sections of the road. We didn't see a plow until sometime Sunday morning.
When I opened the back door on Saturday to let the dog out, there was a wall of snow up to the window, that I had to shovel with the dust pan just to get out the door.

By Sunday afternoon the winds had died down somewhat and the snow wasn't coming down quite so heavily when our neighbour came over and blew the snow out of the lane for us. Hopefully it's won't be too bad this morning.

Needless to say our volunteer appreciation dinner at the Rec Centre was postponed on Saturday with hopes of holding it on Sunday. By Sunday afternoon it was pretty clear that most people still wouldn't be dug out yet so it was postponed till next weekend. Unfortunately we'll be away so will miss it. We were just glad that this big storm wasn't next weekend.

On looking at the online weather this morning it appears that parts of Southern Ontario received a lot more snow than we did. Our problem was the wind. Some parts of the yard are almost bare and others have six foot drifts so the snow is  here, it's just distributed funny. The kids would love it. It wouldn't be so good for sliding but he drifts would make great forts. Because of the wind it's quite hard and you can almost walk on them.  We were hoping it would help the cross country ski trails but is's supposed to rain tomorrow and be 6' so who knows. It could be really messy.

Being as the wind has died down, it looks like there should be no problems getting to work this morning. One more snow day would have been nice but....

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