Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, February 25th - back to the daily grind

Early good morning from Subway – 5:30 to be exact. It’s my new early morning drop someone at the airport destination. I didn’t realize they’re open 24 hrs at the Belvedere and University location. So I can enjoy a tea or coffee and a breakfast sandwich and be all done before 6:00. Only problem is there’s no wi-fi but I can work around that. It was a chilly -8’ when we left home this morning but it should reach a sunny hi of -2’ later.

What a great weekend. We enjoyed a really nice meal at the resort on Friday evening before packing up and heading out early on Saturday morning. Our first destination was Coldbrook NS to visit with a friend who worked with Lloyd in Toronto and her husband. Sandra and Phil have built a lovely house there and retired to the east coast way of life. We met them for breakfast at a local eatery before going back to their house for a quick visit and tour of the new abode. Then it was off to Windsor to meet with two IAAP girls – Bonnie and Christine. Lloyd occupied himself by going off and exploring the local area around the pub the girls and I were meeting at. We had a very successful meeting and they were totally onboard with the ideas I have for the event in 2014. Hopefully the rest of the committee will agree and we can go ahead with our plans.

We left Windsor around 3:00 and weren’t too far down the road when I received a text message from Brenda. Seems they were in Nova Scotia to look at a tractor. I prefer to think they just missed us and drove over to meet us because they were looking forward to having us back home (I know, I know… only in my own mind)
It ended up working out well as they met Brenda’s brother for a coffee and we got to that particular Tim’s just as they were outside saying their goodbyes. So that worked well. They showed us an alternate way home that was a lovely drive. Once we all got back to the island we stopped for something to eat at a restaurant downtown.

It wasn’t very late when we got home but by the time we put some of our stuff away, it was time for bed as it had been a fairly long day.

Sunday morning dawned cold and overcast but promising to get sunny and milder later in the afternoon. I finished unpacking and putting the rest of our holiday supplies away and then we had some breakfast. I was just doing some laundry so Lloyd could pack to go to Toronto when Brenda called to see if I was interested in checking out the ski trails over at Dalvay. Great idea. So she picked me up and we headed over. It was still overcast but the sun was peeking through from time to time. The trails aren’t being groomed this year but enough people have been out that there’s a decent trail to follow. We haven’t really been out yet this year so I’m sure we’ll be feeling the 6 km that we skied today or tomorrow. My legs and feet were a bit achy overnight but they’re not so bad this morning. Tomorrow may be a different story.

After skiing we headed into town and picked up something for dessert and some Chinese take out for supper. We called Bernie and instructed him to set the table (which he apparently delegated) and we called Lloyd to meet us there. We thoroughly enjoyed our meal and the company and it was a nice relaxing way to end off a totally relaxing week.

Now this morning it’s back to the old routine. I dropped Lloyd off and I haven’t heard from him so I can only assume he got on the flight. His friend Jim will pick him up at the airport when he arrives.

I know the kids are looking forward to his visit. James just got his Cadets uniform and is looking for some pointers on how to put the best polish on his boots as well as tagging along to the airport to help with airplane construction when ever he can. Tristen is also looking forward to his arrival as he’s bringing with him our scrapbook of our visit to Australia in 2005. His teacher remembered one of the other kids bringing it in when their class studied that part of the world. They are also learning about Africa and Lloyd has some pictures from his trip there. Who knows, he  will likely end up going with Tristen to school as his “Show and Tell’. Tristen would really enjoy that.

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