Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20th - can you believe we're almost through the month of August?

Conditions at 5:30 am: 16' with clear, starry skies although we may see a few more showers this morning
Expected later:  20' that might feel more like 24' with a mix of sun and cloud.  It was a rainy couple of days. Monday was on and off as was Tuesday, but we really did need some rain for the farmers' crops.

It's also been a fairly quiet couple of days. Lloyd is working the afternoon shift from 4:00 tilll midnight this week. Instead of seeing each other for an hour or so in the evening, it's an hour or so in the morning instead. But that's okay.  I have lots to do inside the house to keep me busy. Not that it's getting done, but I have lots to do!

Monday evening Brenda came over and we got caught up after the weekend. It was a busy time for everyone and we didn't have an opportunity to go out and play anywhere. No worries - there's still lots of nice weather ahead before winter comes. Then last night she called before I finished work to advise she was in town. We both had to eat supper somewhere so it might as well have been at a local restaurant. She met me next door to the dealership and we had a nice supper and were just finished when Ethan joined us. She was waiting in town as Will was arriving from California sometime later in the evening and would need a ride home so she had lots of time to kill. I left her and Ethan at 6:00 and headed home to get some work done.

We're expecting company this weekend from Ontario, but we're not exactly sure when they'll be arriving. They're driving a pick up hauling a 5th wheel camper trailer so they won't be able to get here as quickly as Lloyd gets up there on his bike!   We're hoping they arrive before the weekend so we can maybe take in some local entertainment.  Our work chores around the place such as garage floors, wood cutting and splitting, etc will have to take a back seat for a few days.

It's hard to believe it's almost time for the kids to go back to school as it will be really early this year. It will be a new year of challenges for the Dennison family - James off to high school, Meg off to junior high, and Tristen the only child at Montessori. That will be a bit of a change for him as well, not having his big brother or big sister at the same school.

Speaking of which, I must remember to ask Patti to get a recipe for me from one of the teachers at the Montessori School. A couple of years ago the kids made a simple spray cleaner using natural ingredients. I've gone through two bottles of it and I'd really like the recipe before the kids are done at that school.  I've tried other 'recipes' I've found online but none are as nice as this one, called "Lavender Magic".   If I do get the recipe, I'm willing to share if it's okay with the originator of said recipe!

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