Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday, April 24th - can you believe the "F" word is still in the forecast?

Conditions at 5:25 am: an overcast and wet 1'
Expected later: the same but moving up to 2' with flurries overnight - SERIOUSLY???

Someone should tell Mother Nature enough is enough.  The snow is slowly leaving and we really don't need anymore. I know it will just be a light dusting but it's almost May! I know it's not that unusual here as I've heard some years ago there was a blizzard on Mother's Day so I'll just be grateful if it's just flurries.

I read an article last week that said a lot of birds have been found dead in the Maritimes and when they investigated the deceased they learned that they had starved to death. Apparently there was not enough bare ground for them to find enough food for all of them to eat. So I was at the store on lunch one day and picked up a bird feeder and some wild bird seed. I put it on the front yard on a stake, where I can see it out the kitchen window and it's become a very popular spot.

I was watching yesterday morning and a blue jay came and tried to land on the feeder but fell off. He stood there for a minute contemplating what to do then flew up and grasped the stake and leaned over from there to eat the seeds. It was pretty funny to watch.  We have herons that arrive in the spring and there are usually large numbers down along the river. One afternoon last week when I was on my way home, I spotted a single heron standing on the ice on the river, just looking around. It seemed to be thinking "I know there was a river here last spring - where did it go?"  Haven't seen it since.

The rain the past couple of days is causing some issues on some of our roads as the vast amounts of water running are washing out the shoulders in some areas. It's going to be a big job to get everything fixed up after this winter. Even the number of signs that have been destroyed by snowplows and snowbanks is going to take some doing. I was looking at the bare patches on our lawn (yes, there are actually some there now) and the number of branches that have fallen over the winter. I need some kids to come visit to drive the lawn tractor with the trailer on it and pick them all up!

Great news - I finally received my new passport in the mail yesterday. I was concerned it might not get here in time as exactly two weeks from today I will be arriving in Cape Cod !  We're all hoping that Patti and Meghan can come down for a couple of days over Mother's Day weekend. I've learned that some of our favorite shopping spots have locations in Hyannis. We'll also be able to explore the Cape without the summer crowds. Should be great and I'm really looking forward to a bit of a break from work.

This weekend we're having the VanGaal's and Hugh's over on Sunday. Raymond picked up a bunch of Cod Tongues when he was in Newfoundland recently so Lloyd's been wanting to have everyone over for sampling. I suggested he might like to have some other kinds of fish as well for his fish fry as not everyone is going to like the Cod Tongues. So there's plans for some other stuff and the two ladies are bringing something to add to the feast. Should be a good time!

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