Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday, April 15th - a study in contrasts

Conditions at 5:20 am: 3' but feeling more like 0'
Expected later: staying right where it is with a mix of sun and cloud

It's a far cry from the 10' and 12' we've experienced over the past couple of days. Monday did indeed turn out warm and sunny.  Lots of melting going on but when you stand in our lane it's definitely a study in contrasts.  If you look to the side of the house, little signs of spring are evident:

The crocuses are just peeking through at the side of the house

But, if you turn your head in the opposite direction, it's a different story:

But the good news is, that large branch was completely buried and you can now see the top part of that shed that was completely buried a few short weeks ago - so it IS coming, albeit slowly, but that's a good thing.

While we were enjoying some warm sunny weather earlier in the week, the Dennisons were also enjoying some nice weather. It was apparently 25' in Guelph on Monday afternoon, although I'm sure it was even warmer where they were in Mexico:

When she emailed me, they had just finished having massages, then a quick swim 
and were just waiting for their lunch.  NICE ! Enjoy, you guys deserve it.

I saw on facebook yesterday afternoon that last night was the very last meeting of the Grand River Chapter of the IAAP.  I wish I could have been there but then again I would think there were a few tears shed and I don't do that very well.  I sent a message for them to think of Ms.Vista and I was assured  that Ms. Crazy would definitely be part of the program.  It was a wonderful group of ladies and it will be a terrible loss to a lot of people. I know you always plan to keep in touch and I know some will, but still it's a sad day for all.
Even though I'm no longer a member, I still feel as though another chapter of my life has come to a close.

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