Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday November 30th - a rude awakening yesterday

This morning the wind is howling and it's a chilly 9' but that wind is making it feel more like -18'. That's pretty chilly for this time of year in this area. I suppose part of the problem is we've had such unseasonably nice weather for so long that to plunge us right into this is just downright mean on the part of Mother Nature!
Yesterday morning Lloyd and neighbour Frank left at 5:00 with just a light skiff of snow on the ground. Fast forward two hours to 7:00 when I left and it was a whole different story. There was probably 3" of snow on the ground. It had started snowing really hard and kept it up right after he left. The roads were pretty slippery  out this way and the highway wasn't much better. It hadn't seen a plow yet and at least one vehicle on my way to work hadn't slowed down for the road conditions. There was a utility trailer of some sort overturned in the middle of the road. My concern was what if the roads got worse the further I went and the guys were having to drive through that. But as I neared town, the snow became less and less and there was very little snow the further west you traveled so I was happy to see that. It did stop snowing and the sun came out and melted a lot of it away. We still have some on the ground at home but not really much left on the roads.

I talked to Lloyd around 4:30 yesterday which would have been 3:30 where they were and they had just stopped for gas and were on the road just outside of Montreal. My calculations should have put them at their destinations a little before midnight but I haven't heard yet. I'm sure I'll hear from him today. He's going to have a busy time while he's there catching up with everyone. I'm sure the time will probably fly by for him and hopefully the weather will cooperate for the trip home.

Not much else is new - just trying to keep warm. I have a lot of things I have to get done before I leave for Toronto and this week will be a good time to tackle some of the things on that list. Tonight there's a dinner at the Rec Centre so not much will be accomplished tonight but I'll have a bit of time in the morning and I have a project to do while I'm at work tomorrow. Then I'll see how productive the rest of the weekend will be.

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