Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, January 11th - made it through the first week

It's -3 this morning and that's pretty much where it will stay. It's going to be sunny later but it's very windy right now.  The last few days have been quite mild and lots of the snow we received has gone down. Not sure we'll be able to cross country ski yet.

It's been a long tiring week but we've just about made it through. I'm feeling much better but I'm very tired by the end of the day.  But I really have nothing to complain about. With Lloyd not working right now, I come home to the smell of supper cooking. Then we eat a delicious home cooked meal while we watch the news and  Lloyd cleans up the dishes in the morning - claims it's part of his morning routine. Needless to say, I'm very spoiled and feeling like a guest in my own home.  I'd best not get too used to it because as soon as I do that a job will come along.

So we were talking the other night about our timeshare. We have a week that needs to be used before the end of April. We decided let's try to find somewhere we can drive to. So in February we are going  to White Point Lodge in Nova Scotia for a week . They have a large lodge with rooms as well as individual cottages, all with fireplaces. It's right on the water and would be lovely in the summer but I think it will be a nice winter getaway as well. The main lodge was destroyed by fire in November of 2011 and has been rebuilt and reopened in November 2012. It's also a pet friendly place so we can take Cooper with us. We don't plan to do much but just relax, maybe some cross country skiing and lots of walks.  We really haven't been away together since we went to Tucson in 2010. Lloyd used all his holidays coming down here from Ontario whenever he could. So that will break up the winter nicely.

Tomorrow we plan to take in the blues jam at a local watering hole, something that has become a familiar winter habit. Hot music and cold beer - a great way to spend a snowy afternoon. I finish work at 2:00 and it starts at 3:00 - perfect timing.

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