Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday, March 21st - Happy Spring ?

It's actually not so bad. We were supposed to be heralding the arrival of spring with snow, freezing rain and then rain. We did get snow - about half a dozen flakes and then a little bit of rain but not enough to really call a rainfall. This morning it's a milder +1 and should go up to +3  or better later.

It was a very pleasant, but windy night Wednesday night, but Thursday night was a bit quieter, and still quite mild, at least compared to what we've been experiencing. The yard is quickly turning into mud as is the lane but it is part of the process I suppose. I have no doubt whatsoever that we will see more snow before it's all done for another year - possibly as early as next week.

I spent the better part of last night out in the craft room painting some wooden picture frames I'm planning to use for our conference. Looking at the calendar and factoring in that I will be away twice and James will be here for several days as well, that I'd best get my act together. None of the things I'm planning are difficult or especially time consuming but they do need to at least get started on. That's generally half the battle.

But it can't all be work.  Brenda came over on Wednesday evening and we had a snack and glass of wine. It's been a while since we did that so it was nice to just sit and relax and catch up. It's just been a busy time and we haven't taken time out to just chill a bit.

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