We had our dance class last night and it was another good workout. Afterwards, we headed over to St. James Gate. It was on the list of places we haven't visited yet on a Tuesday night. They had the beer that I like and we ordered a dish that featured grilled pita breads with three different kinds of spreads. They were all really delicious and we even had to order another stack of pita's to finish off the dips. Yes, they were that good. We will definitely put that on the places that make the second visit list!
I was talking to Lloyd first thing this morning and it seems he and the table saw had a bit of an argument yesterday and the table saw won. No digits are missing but a couple of them are a little chewed up. I haven't seen them yet, that will be tonight when I get home. I asked how he did it and he said he was being stupid, although he insists he was being careful. I guess there might not be so many lawnmower comments in the future. I was also being careful when I did something stupid so many years ago. Fortunately it's just a flesh wound, or so he says. I'll have to wait and see. Of course getting him to have a doctor look at it is like pulling teeth. Guess it will just have to get better on it's own without any significant pain meds.
He was apparently working on a piece for the automatic egg turner in his incubator. It's turning into quite the project.The two little gauges on the right side measure the temperature and the humidity. He's working on fine tuning those and making sure they keep everything at the required settings. He was apparently working on something for the motor for the automatic egg turner yesterday when he had his little mishap. I suspect work will be stopping for a few days.
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