Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, July 18th - this week went by quickly but no idea why

Conditions at 5:30 am: 17' and the sun is just coming up over the river
Expected later: 24'  that may feel more like 28' and lots of sun for the rest of the weekend

It's been an extraordinarily quiet week. Not much going on and not much planned. We've been enduring the heat and humidity amid some scattered showers and occasional downpours. If the sun comes out  today like it's supposed to, I'm sure you'll be able to see the grass growing! I just finished it on Monday evening but I know it will need it again before the weekend is over.

Speaking of growing, Lloyd's garden is enjoying the sun and rain. Some things just didn't come up but the things that did are doing very well. The pictures aren't really clear as I took them at 5:30 in the morning and it wasn't quite fully daylight yet so they are a little blurry. Better ones will follow as things  progress. Looks like we need to do some weeding this weekend!

Lots of pods waiting to fill in with peas
Green onions and carrots

The potatoes are doing very well - it is PEI after all!

If all these plants produce tomatoes, we're going to have a lot of pasta sauce!
 I'm glad it's doing well for him, as he put a lot of work into the planning and starting of the seeds. It's definitely been a learning experience. Stay tuned in a couple of weeks for updates.

I was lucky enough on Wednesday to receive some free tickets from the radio station for the Ballad of Stompin Tom at the Harbourfront Theatre in Summerside. We've haven't decided yet just when we're going but I'm sure it will be enjoyable. I was just heading out for lunch when the girl on the radio announced her location at a local Subway restaurant and to drop by and say hello. So that's just what I did and scored the free tickets. Just like that! Pays to be in the right place at the right time, I suppose, and to have the radio on at the right moment.

Not much else going on. Lloyd is working on his roofing, which has been hampered by rain, and we should be getting some wood delivered in the next day or so, that will have to be blocked and split so it can dry a bit before winter. There's never a shortage of things to do out here, that's for sure! During the winter I purchased a gift certificate for a crate of strawberries from a local farmer. I'm picking those up on Saturday morning so we know what I'll be doing, for half the day anyway. Fresh strawberries - YUMMM

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