Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2nd - a great day off in the middle of the week

Conditions at 5:30 am: a warm but breezy 19'
Expected later: sunny and 29' that may feel more like 37' - let's hope that breeze hangs around!

It certainly seems like summer has arrived. After a long snowy winter, and a cold and wet spring, summer has slammed into the maritimes with a bang. After a blazing hot weekend (although not as hot and humid as southern Ontario) we were graced with more for  Monday and Tuesday. Perfect for all the Canada Day celebrations that were  taking place in town.

Monday after work, I met Lloyd downtown at the liquor store to pick up a couple of cases of wine to stock up. Then it was off to the movies to see "The Grand Seduction". It was very entertaining and I know Lloyd loved it as there were places he recognized. All in all a really fun film. When it was over, it was still daylight, of course, as it was only 8:00. So we headed downtown to an outdoor patio for a beer and some food. We were not disappointed. The food was great and the beer was cold at the Gate.   By the time we finished there and got home, it was well after 10:00. A perfect end to an insanely  busy day. A light hearted movie and someone to pamper me with food and beverage was just the ticket!

Tuesday morning dawned breezy for the first time in quite a few days, which is quite unusual for our neck of the woods. But as the morning progressed, it became very warm once again, but was modified somewhat by the breeze. I puttered in the house while Lloyd worked outside. Not a lot got accomplished but a few things got crossed of the to-do list and before we knew it, it was time for supper. I had suggested to Lloyd early in the day that perhaps we could go into town around 9:00 to see the fireworks at 10:00. Then we both remembered that his extended weekend was now over and he had to go to work at midnight. So much for that plan. Just as well, after the last fews days of heat, we were both pretty tired by the end of the day.

We expect some company this weekend do I did a few things around the house and Lloyd is still working on his heat pumps. One thing about living out here, there's never a shortage of things to do! We certainly can never complain about being bored!

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