Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday, January 12th - by all accounts, a VERY quiet weekend

Conditions at 5:45 am: -6' but feeling slightly more like -10' and overcast
Expected later: a high this afternoon of -2' but that will bring some flurries in the morning and mahybe a little more snow in the afternoon.

It was indeed a very quiet weekend. Nothing going on, and nothing pressing so it was actually a very relaxing time. I did a couple of odd jobs on Saturday morning while Lloyd finished the final installation of our new water heater. Then it was rest and relaxation for the remainder of the day.

Once again, we are trying to improve our eating habits, more for good health than weight loss, but if some weight is lost in the process that would be a good thing. Part of Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning was spent scouring cookbooks for low calorie recipes. Then it was a trip into town on Sunday afternoon to do some grocery shopping. We found a little Asian store just off Mount Edward Road that had lots of exotic (at least to us) ingredients that Lloyd was looking for. Then it was downtown for lunch at a Vietnamese Restaurant he found recently. Some fresh spring rolls and a large bowl of noodles floating in a flavourful broth made for a very tasty and filling lunch. So much so that no supper was needed, as we'd eaten around 3:00.  Missing a meal is not a bad thing!

From there it was off to the regular grocery store, then home to spend the rest of the evening reading.  All in all a very relaxing time. 

I have flowers opening up on my orchid - that's about as exciting as it gets these days.

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