Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday, January 26th - I don't know HOW she does it!

Conditions at 5:20 am: a clear and cold -14' that's feeling more like -23'
Expected later: pretty much hovering around the same thing for the day, but then getting milder tomorrow and a bunch of snow might be on the way

I say might because that's what they told us on Friday. We were told to expect a bunch of snow on Saturday and into Sunday. I texted my friend Christine and we decided to postpone our dinner until two weeks time, as we had no idea what the driving conditions might have been like on Sunday afternoon.

Turns out they were fine. It started out snowing on Saturday evening and we thought we might really be in for it but then it turned to rain overnight and took all the snow that fell, away. It was very windy overnight and continued on into Sunday. It's calmed down somewhat this morning but now it appears we may get a bunch of snow overnight tonight and into Tuesday. Could tomorrow be our first snow day of the new year?

Saturday morning was fine, weather wise, in fact it was quite mild. Brenda picked me up and we headed to the gym for our class. We didn't stay to do any other exercise because it was near lunch time when our class was over. If I'd taken a hat with me I would have walked home from the corner but my ears would have froze, so I didn't.  I spent the afternoon doing some cleaning and laundry. We were talking about what to have for supper and Lloyd had a serious craving for a burger. So because he'd been good all week, we headed out to Peakes Tee to get something to eat. We both had burgers but Lloyd had fries while I had a baked potato. However I'm sure the sour cream more than made up for the lack of deep frying!

Sunday was a relatively productive day as well as a relaxing one. I worked out in the craft room for a while as well as sorted through a pile of papers that were stored in a filing box and in a basket, hanging around in the living room. Two more thing out of the way. We watched some TV and roasted a chicken for supper. We enjoyed it with a cauliflower salad and a Napa cabbage salad. Lots of veggies and no gravy and mashed potatoes!

So, Friday I thought I would check out the speedskating club's website to see what's new with the kids efforts. I came across an article was posted back in November. It went like this:

"This weekend's meet could not have taken place if it were not for the many volunteers. It takes over 50 volunteers per day to support a 2 day meet. A special thanks goes out to Patti Dennison who coordinated the kitchen work, picked up the food, sent out requests for silent action items ( and the list goes on)."

Then when I thought about it, that would have been the same time she was busy with costumes for the Montessori school's winter play. In between working two jobs, etc, etc. I really don't know how shes does it!

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