Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday, December 6th - time to kick into festive mode

Not a lot going on and the only really big news the past couple of days was the weather. As predicted, Wednesday was a pretty nasty day. Started out rainy so the drive in to work was okay. Then it quickly turned to snow with really high winds. Not a great day to be outside. We did get a bit of an accumulation, but it's really hard to tell with all the wind blowing it around everywhere, just how much we got. Lucky for me a lot of customers cancelled their appointments so I was able to get my snow tires put on before heading home. It was still pretty blustery when I left work, but with most things in the province closed for the day, traffic was very light. I took the back way home and just took my time. No problem. It took a little longer to get home but nothing too serious happened.

 That is until I was coming home last night and as I rounded the bend in Websters Corner, I could plainly see the ribs of Bernie's building - a very large covered building, which was no longer covered. It's a devastating sight to see and a pretty frustrating situation for him. We know what the guys will be doing over the Christmas holidays. It can be replaced but from what I understand it's not an easy job and will require many hands. But, being the island, I know those hands will all show up when the time comes. Just a modern day barn raising I suppose. It's hard to imagine the wind can be so powerful. We truly are at the mercy of Mother Nature sometimes and all our modern technology is pretty much useless at times.

After the fury of the storm, Thursday was a milder day with no wind. Now this morning it's 4', heading for a high of 8' and rain. That should pretty much finish off our snow. With luck we'll get some more before the holidays but it's not unusual for us to not really get much in the way of snow before the new year.

The past couple of nights were spent getting stuff ready for Lloyd to go to Ontario. I have a couple of little things that I want him to take with him so have been doing some last minute details.  I have lots to do to keep me busy while he's away. When he does get back it will only be 10 days till Christmas so I want to try and get as much done as I can while he's gone. Once the rest of the craft room has been cleared out, I can get busy on that space and then work my way through the rest of the house. At some point, I will also need to dig out the Christmas decorations as well. I'm not sure a week is going to be long enough for him to be away! 

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