Expected later: lots of sun and 17' - looks like it's already gotten as good as it's going to get for the day
Our fall like weather continues but the days have been absolutely gorgeous - mild temperatures, light breeze and lots of sunshine. It reminds me of the times when we used to come down to the island for a week or so at a time. It was usually in the fall and we enjoyed spending as much time as we could outside. There are fewer bugs now so it's much more pleasant. Of course in those days we had little else to do but rest and relax and maybe tour around a bit. No grass to cut, buildings to finish, garden to tend, etc, etc. Now don't get me wrong, I'm really not complaining. I still enjoy the time I get to spend outside, even if it's riding around on the lawn mower! It's just a different life than it was then. The best part about it now is that we don't have to think every day about how soon we have to go back to Ontario. Now the island is stuck with us!
Pretty quiet couple of days.Lloyd had been busy trying to coordinate the finishing of his garage floor. The last bits are in place and all that's left to do is pour the concrete. He's been trying for a couple of days to get that nailed down but so far nothing is definite. It might happen on Friday, if all goes well.
It will be so nice to finally have that finished. The yard is SUCH a mess! There's piles of stuff EVERYWHERE, covered in tarps to protect it from the weather. The shed is full of stuff, but we need to get the garage finished to move that stuff out so we can move the split wood into the shed. It's like a giant pack of dominoes - every thing hinges on another action being completed. Once everything is moved, then we can do some serious yard clean up. It's somewhat of an embarrassment at the moment, but I know it's only temporary, but it really needs to get done before the snow flies.
Speaking of snow, I'm very glad I don't reside in Calgary this week! Poor Caitlyn, in Edmonton, is also getting her first taste of snow for the season. She was wondering about winter tires, guess it's never too early out west. We know it's only temporary but what a shock it must be to the system to have hot sunny weather one day then snow the next, and not just a light dusting!
And speaking of the Van Gaals, they are being honoured this evening at a special dinner to celebrate the fact that their property has been farmed by the same family since the 1800's. I found this article online outlining the process:
Some of P.E.I.'s family farms will be getting some extra recognition this year. The P.E.I. Agriculture
To receive the plaque, farms will need to go through an application process.
"To apply, I actually need five things, one of which is a bonafide farm number, a property number, the year the farm was established, the surname the farm was established under, as well as some historical documents kind of telling me when the farm was established," said JoAnn Pineau, the coordinator of the Heritage Farm project for the P.E.I. Agriculture Sector Council.
The heritage farms will be announced in the fall. In addition to getting a plaque, those who own farms with the designation will be invited to a gala lobster supper in September.
Pineau is looking forward to going through the submissions.
"It is going to be kind of cool to go through all these historical documents and learn about the past," she said.
COOl? I guess so! Congrats to the Van Gaals for earning this designation. Have a great time tonight.
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