Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday, August 16th - a double reason to celebrate today

It's a pleasant 15' this morning and we should reach a sunny high of 24' later that will feel like 28'.

What a great day! It's going to be sunny and warm and I have 3 days off in a row - how great is that? Today is Gold Cup and Saucer Parade Day. We get this day off instead of the first Monday in August like they do in Ontario.  Last year we had to work on the Saturday which really messed up our long weekend but this year they've given us Saturday off as well - YAAAAAY!

It's also Will Van Gaal's birthday today, so Happy Birthday Will.

What do I have planned for my 3 days off you ask?  My big task for today is to tidy up my pantry. It's become such a mess so I've taken everything out and will put it back today in some kind of order, hopefully.  I know there's some stuff in there that probably hasn't been used since I got here over 4 years ago so maybe it's time for a few things to go. But guess what - friend Richard is having a garage sale at his office location on Saturday morning so I may just ask him how much he charges to put a table in his sale.  I'll see just how much stuff I can get rid of - and no Lloyd, I won't touch any of the things you brought with you last year. I just need to thin out some of the small 'stuff' and organize things a little better. So that will be my big accomplishment for the day AND the weekend. My only other  job is cutting the grass. The weather is promising to be really nice all weekend so that shouldn't be a problem.  But you just never know what plans may crop up.  We have a wedding at the Rec Centre on Saturday so that will take up the evening portion of the day.

I talked to Lloyd on Wednesday evening and his plane inspection went very well. There were a couple of little minor things that he needs to do but nothing serious. He's pretty pleased with how it's all turned out and I know he's really proud of his accomplishment in finally getting it finished.  I had a brief chat with one of his airport buddies the other night and you can just tell they all feel a real sense of ownership with this project and they're all pretty proud of the result.

Other than that not much going on, so have a great long weekend everyone here - have a nice day at work if you're in Ontario!  I'm off to clean and organize - wish me luck!


  1. Enjoy your well deserved long weekend. Hope Lloyd gets home easier than he got there.
    P not in TO or OV

  2. Well look at that Kobo let's me comment. Look out now....
