Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday, August 23rd - warm and sticky weather is on the way out - hopefully!

It's 19' outside this morning but feels much cooler than that. It's not raining yet but we are expecting rain today and only a high of 20' - a little more pleasant than the 29' we had yesterday. It was VERY warm.

Yesterday Lloyd spent the day out on the water oyster fishing with our friend Jackie. He'd been invited numerous times but just never took advantage of the opportunity. On Wednesday evening the two of us went for a drive up to Savage Harbour and toured around. At the wharf all the boats were tied up and no one was around so we spent a bit of time just enjoying the peaceful scene. As he was inspecting all the boats he remarked that he should call Jackie and go out fishing. I reminded him that Thursday was going to be a hot day so being on the water might be a good thing. Jackie returned his call yesterday morning and off he went. They didn't get back until around 5:00 so it was a full day. It was lots of work but I think he really enjoyed it and would like to go out again sometime.

Got this photo from Patti. The boys won the championship again this year - for the fourth year in a row! Well done guys. They all look pretty happy and proud of their accomplishment.

Not much else is going on right now. The Jazz and Blued festival is on this weekend. I've never been and Brenda and I were hoping to take in some music tomorrow afternoon but then I realized we have a wedding at the Rec Centre so I'm not sure that's going to be happening - too many things to do and not enough time!

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