Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday, August 7th - Happy Birthday Nancy!

It's a comfortable 15' this morning and we should reach a very seasonable 24' later. It started out cloudy yesterday morning but soon cleared up and we had a beautiful day.  Monday afternoon was quite stormy with power outages everywhere but it didn't last very long. Some areas even experienced a bit of  hail although we didn't get any at work. When I got home the rain had slowed down to a drizzle and the chickens were outside having a great time. They were running around picking at stuff and stomping around in the wet grass and dirt and they were filthy but they looked like they were having fun.

I had wished Nancy a happy birthday for Sunday but I had the date wrong so Happy Birthday on the right day. No idea why I had it in my head it was the 4th - I get it wrong all the time and I have no idea why because it's in my phone calendar for the right day.  I know she's just getting back from a very busy but quick trip to Halifax so welcome home and hope you had a good trip back.  We'll have to try to get together next year when she comes down. I have no trouble driving to Halifax for a quick visit. It's easy enough with the boat running to hop over for the day.

It's a fairly quiet week so far. Lloyd had been working on the garage and is making some progress. The outside is just about finished. He figures one more day ought to finish it up.  I was talking to the kids the other night and Tristen is still asking 'When are you going to build a barn?"  He's ever so anxious for us to have a barn so we can have farm animals. You know the ones - those he can visit once or twice a year.  He used to want us to get a baby pig then one day he decided he didn't want a baby pig.  When I asked him why he changed his mind, his response was "Cause Grandma, they're really ugly when they're grown up!"  Well, we may have solved that problem for him. I was telling him about these pigs we saw pictures of from Hungary. Apparently it's quite a high end breed of hog and who knew such a beast existed? So Tristen, these pictures are for you. Let me know what you think. They kind of resemble Cooper when he needs  a hair cut ;-)

Now that's some pig!

Meghan is quite excited about her upcoming dance camp in Toronto. It's with a ballet company called Ballet Jorgen and she's really looking forward to her four days there. She and Patti will stay overnight at Greg's sisters and make a great weekend out of it.

James is busy with sailing camp and is eagerly looking forward to Lloyd arriving for the final inspection on the plane. He so desperately wants to go up in it with Papa.  He feels a certain ownership as he helped a little bit in the building of it and he just is generally interested in flight.  It's been good for him to watch the progress over the years and see it go from boxes of parts to the completed aircraft.

1 comment:

  1. Tristen says he doesn't want them. They are still ugly!
