Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday, August 9th - a rainy day and weekend ahead

It's currently a dry 19' that feels more like 24'. We're expecting rain for most of the day and reach a high of 23' that sounds comfortable but will feel like 31'.  It's been quite pleasant the last couple of days - warm but not so humid, so perfect summer weather.

Unfortunately it's going to rain on the wedding we're helping with tomorrow but what can you do. They have planned to move things inside the potato warehouse in the event of rain so we'll see how that goes. It's going to be a challenging day for everyone but I'm sure it will all work out. We'll let you know on Monday how it went.

Last night Lloyd, Brenda and I went over to Tracadie Community Centre for a local concert. There was a trio of local fellows who did a marvelous job. They played a wide range of tunes - something for pretty much everyone.

Their special guest for the evening was Meaghan Blanchard. I've heard lots about her but have never actually heard her sing. She has a wonderful voice and is a very talented young woman who writes her own music - a pleasure to listen to.

Before we left, Brenda warned me that the band playing was sort of a Blue Grass type of music. She knows I'm not a big fan of country music but I do really like Blue Grass. I thought about it later and I realized that after all I put her through to see Sir Paul, I really can't EVER complain about what ever type of music she takes me to listen to!

So what's new at the Denny house this week you ask? The gadget queen has a new toy! It's a poor mans version of a Sous Vide cooking device. It's labeled as a water oven and we're giving it a try. The premise, for those who might not know, is that you seal food in a vacuum bag, then submerge in water for long periods of time. The idea is that the low but constant cooking temperature slowly cooks the food to the desired doneness without drying or overcooking. Trouble is it can take days to cook something this way. There's a small roast in there right now that is meant to cook for 2 to 3 days! Trust me folks, this is NOT fast food. There's a certain amount of planning involved to cook something this way.  Not everything takes that long to cook. Some things only take a few hours. I can see a steep learning curve with this one.

Brenda has heard me talk about it in the past and she had the opportunity to try something at a restaurant in New Brunswick that was cooked this way. Bernie didn't remember that and was quite intrigued with the process when he was here yesterday. So they are going to be the guinea pigs tonight when the first piece of meat comes out of the oven. There's always hot dogs to fall back on if need be!  We'll also report back on that experience on Monday.

Bernie was here yesterday while Lloyd was working on his newest project - the oil drum BBQ. Our good friend Walt, in Ontario, has one that was built a number of years ago. It was used many, many times by Lloyd and Walt. It made many trips around the area to supply rotisserie BBQ needs. This one has a long way to go before it's usable but it will get there.

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