Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday, August 19th - a great Homecoming Weekend

It's a warm 17' at 5:15 am and we should reach a much warmer 25' later that will feel more like 29' = pretty much a carbon copy of what we had all weekend long.

It was a busy but somewhat relaxing weekend all round. Friday morning I was up bright and early to clean up my pantry. It's been needing it for quite some time and had become somewhat of a dumping ground. I have it all neat and organized again and hopefully we can keep it that way.  When that was done I sat down to have some lunch and work on finishing a book I'm reading. The trouble with a book on an e-reader you really can't tell how far you are from the finish.  I feel like I've been reading it every spare moment for over a week and I'm still not sure how much is left.

Late in the afternoon Brenda came by and we went out to Panmure Island to take some pictures at the beach for a project I'm currently working on. Just before you cross over the causeway, there's a little restaurant called Sand Bar and Grill. I had read an article about it in the paper at the beginning of the summer so we checked it out. It was really good and we thoroughly enjoyed our meal. We will definitely recommend it. It was a beautiful day and we had the option of eating inside or out on the patio so of course we chose the patio.

Saturday morning I was up early as I had a few things I decided I really didn't need and could put into the garage sale Richard was having. I arrived there at 7:00 and got all set up. It was another beautiful morning and we had some customers, although it really wasn't too busy. I sold a few things and made a bit of money but I think I spent all that I made on Richards stuff!  Half of our proceeds were donated to the food bank so financially I didn't fare so well, but on the other hand it cleared some stuff out of the pantry - a win/win for us all. Richard had advertised his sale on facebook and among other things he promised was male strippers -  he didn't falsely advertise...

I stayed there till noon then packed up and went home. I wanted to get some of the grass cut before I had to wander over to the Rec Centre for a wedding.  I got the grass that's visible from the road cut so that was the important thing. All that was left was the back field by the time I had to come in and get ready.

We were done at the wedding and home by 10:00 - a full day.

Sunday morning was another one of those days - beautiful and sunny once more. I was up early and made some new curtains for my pantry and then read some more of my book. It seems every time I had a bit of extra time  or just needed a bit of a break, I sat and read - not a bad thing.

Around lunch time Brenda and Bernie came by to pick me and my kayak up. Bernie was going to drop us into the lower end of the Morrell River and then pick us up at the next bridge. We did this trip a couple of years ago in the kayaks with Caitlin and Bernie in the canoe and it was a lovely trip.

This time was also quite lovely in spite of the fact the water level was considerably lower than the last time and we kept getting hung up on the rocks. We now know the meaning of the phrase 'still waters run deep' because that's where we needed to be - in the still waters. Some spots were fast moving and that meant lots of rocks. Brenda got lots of practice getting in and out of her kayak. She would get me pushed off the bottom and then get back in so thanks so much for that. It was quite a workout, that's for sure. But it was a gorgeous day and we were out on the water so it was all good - except we had told Bernie to pick us up at the second bridge in an hour, which turned out to be 2 hours and 15 minutes. He stayed on the bridge pretty much the whole time as he wanted to get a picture of us coming down the river. We felt really badly that we'd made the poor guy wait so long for us.

From there they dropped me off and I got back to work on some of the lawn.  I was invited for supper later but I had already put something on to cook for supper and I still wanted to tackle my fridge, that badly needed cleaning out. I knew if I went out for supper it wouldn't get done. Can't believe I chose cleaning the fridge to a chicken supper and homemade blueberry pie.  But in the end I was glad to have it done.

All in all a pretty good weekend. I talked to Lloyd last night and he's leaving on his bike sometime this morning to head back so he should be home sometime tomorrow.

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