Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday, Spetember 2nd - Happy Labour Day and Happy Birthday '"T" !

It's another dreary overcast morning but it's not raining - yet. It's 15' at 8:16 and we should reach a high of 19' that will feel more like 24' with rain expected this afternoon. Yesterday was pretty much the same but Saturday was gorgeous. It was chilly in the morning but by the time I left at 2:00 it was beautiful.

When I got home, I went with Lloyd to pick up some stuff he's purchased at an auction earlier in the day. One item was a tractor blade but it was for our friend Richard (we already have one). When we got home, it was almost time to get ready to head over to the Rec Centre for a wedding. And there was Saturday - gone.

Now Sunday, which was our day to go out and play wasn't cooperating. We has talked about maybe going for a bike ride on Sunday afternoon but it was just not conducive.  Instead it turned into a laundry / TV watching / weaving day. I took advantage of the time to set up my loom to give me something to try out. It's a bit of a challenge as this project is  wider than I'm used to but it is an experiment with some of the balls of wool I picked up at Zellers when they closed.  I'm hoping it will grow up into a throw for putting over your lap or shoulders when watching TV on cold winter evenings. We'll get back to you later on that one. We had planned to go over to Dalvay for Afternoon Tea only to call and find out that Saturday was the last day it was served for the season. Guess that's what happens when you keep putting things off. 

I talked to Tristen yesterday, as it was his birthday. He has his Papa's sense of humour. They're at the cottage for the weekend and when I asked what he was doing for his birthday, I got this very sad little 'nothing'. Then when I asked if he received the gift I sent him, another sad little 'not yet'.  Then when I suggested we should speak to his mail man, he started laughing and said "I'm joking Grandma, yes I got it". Too much time hanging around with Lloyd for that boy. I'm pretty certain that his birthday with Gregs family was great fun. Of course I'm sure it was a double celebration as Greg's birthday is on Wednesday. (got the date right this year!)

This morning is a quiet one. Lloyd is still sleeping and I have a batch of bread dough rising in the kitchen. I have some sewing to do for one of the girls at work so I can work on that while the dough does its thing. Then this afternoon it's off to the Rec Centre again for a fundraising dinner. This one is a big one so will be a later night. And that pretty much wraps up our long weekend. Might have been quiet but it was still nice to have that extra time off. Lots of things should have gotten done but they'll wait - they always do.

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