Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, November 22nd - a hard working weekend on the way

So, this morning we're sitting at 1' and heading for a sunny high of 6' later. That's WAY better than what poor Caitlin is experiencing in Edmonton. She texted a day or two ago that it was -33' with the wind chill. Now this morning I see that they may receive up to 20 cm of snow. OUCH! Time to haul out the winter gear!  I guess if you're going to have really cold temperatures (well, maybe not quite that cold) you may as well get outside and enjoy the snow that comes along with it. Did I really just say that??? The person who always hated winter?  Brenda, what have you done?

No time for fun this weekend. Painting and more painting is on the agenda. The trim pieces all around the ceiling and over all the seams of the panels, and there are lots, are all primed. Tonight I can get out the roller and start filling in the middle spaces. I hope to get the ceiling done tonight and then tomorrow I can tackle the walls. My hope is to have that all done by the end of the day on Saturday. Then Sunday if Lloyd and I get an early start, we should be able to finish the final coat. Or at least most of it. There's still the trim around the windows and doors, etc to be done but that's small stuff compared to the walls and ceilings. The end  is so near, that I wish I had about 4 days off work to really get done but I just have to be patient. We have a catering job next Saturday so a lot of my energies next week need to go into that. The craft room will have to move to the back burner for a little bit.

Lloyd plans to go to Ontario the following weekend so I'll have some quality time to get things set up and organized. That's going to take some doing but I'm looking forward to it. Now everything will have a place where it can be properly utilized.

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