Friday, October 7, 2011

Was that s**w yesterday?


Conditions at 6:00 am: 3' and snow pellets .
Expected later: 8' and sunny

First recorded snow of the season
Yesterday was yet another day of rain and strong winds. But thankfully this morning, the winds have died down. When  I went out at lunch yesterday there was wet snow falling on the car and when I was walking across the parking lot at the Superstore it was hailing, beating painfully against my face! Fortunately things are going to get much better on the weekend.  When I let the dog out this morning, it was raining but I did notice some little piles of snow on top of the tarp on the wood by the back door.
So I went and picked up my official cashier's uniform at the store yesterday and finally met Lori, my supervisor. We've spoken on the phone quite a number of times so it was nice to have a face to put with the voice. Brenda and Bernie are going to the Trailside tonight to see Ron Hynes and will stop by and let the dog out on their way. One of the downsides of a part time job is the fun things I may miss from time to time. So I'm saving on both counts - I'm making a bit of extra money to put into my savings account and I'm not spending any. I just have to look at my ratty old kitchen window and remind myself it's those kinds of things I'm working towards.  I think I'll also enjoy interacting with people at the store but we'll see how that goes. I know there will be a bit of a learning curve.

Lloyd is flying out to Newfoundland this afternoon to visit his brother, and Patti is working all weekend, so Greg and the kids are going to the cottage. We'll all just have to be thankful in our own way where ever we find ourselves.

I've had the wood stove burning for the past couple of days so it's nice and comfortable in here this morning in spite of the cool temperatures outside.  But I shouldn't need to light it again for at least another week as the temperatures are going to be in the high teens again starting tomorrow and most of next week. I found September and October very cold my first fall here so I'm not sure if it was particularly cold or I just wasn't acclimatized yet, but now it has to get quite cold and damp before I feel the need to light the stove. They might make an (almost) islander out of me yet!

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