Monday, October 3, 2011

What we see is what we get

Conditions at 6:15 am: rainy and 14'
Expected later: rainy and 14'

What a dreary, wet weekend but at least it wasn't really cold. It was quite nice on Friday night when Brenda and I went into town. We stopped and picked up groceries then went to the Old Dublin for supper. We were back home again by 10:00, which explains why we didn't run into the boys - it was way too early for them to be out and about.

Saturday poured rain.  I worked and then had supper with the Van Gaals - the whole family. Will and Ethan arrived at the same time I did. We enjoyed a piece of the moose that Bernie and James successfully hunted. It was quite good, especially with mashed potatoes and gravy - YUM.

Sunday dawned just as wet as Saturday - rained all day. Not to worry - a good opportunity to stay home and do some cleaning. I also made  jelly out of some grapes that Michelle at work brought in. It set a little softer than I would have liked so hopefully we can try another batch. I had invited the Van Gaals over for supper - nothing too fancy but I wanted to try a pork tenderloin recipe from Chef Michael's new book. It was meant to be done on the BBQ and I bet it would be good, but I just did it in the oven and it was still quite tasty.

I talked to Lloyd yesterday and he had made some corned beef and was cooking it with some cabbage for the guys at the airport. It's an experiment, so he was anxious to see how it turned out. I haven't talked to him yet this morning but will call him later to find out how it went.

Now it's Monday and we're back to work.  It's that time of year - too cold to motorcycle but not cold enough to snow and allow us to ski. But we'll try to make the best of it.

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