Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, Octobedr 19th - another sunny day in store

The last couple of days have been absolutely glorious. When I went out for lunch yesterday afternoon, I was lamenting the fact that with such glorious weather, I should have been home giving the lawn it's last cutting for the season. Alas, I had to go back to work. Today is supposed to be even nicer. It's a cool 6' right now but should reach a sunny 15' later. Let's hope a little of that carries over to the weekend but so far it's not looking good. As I was checking out the weather I came across this photo submitted by someone in Timmins - a place I lived in, a long time ago - I don't miss this scene so early in the year.

These warm days and cool, clear evenings, are bringing us some pretty spectacular sunsets. I snapped this photo outside the back door on Wednesday evening as I was putting the dog out just as the sun was going down.

Yesterday afternoon,  Brenda called to inquire as to whether or not I would perhaps give her a ride home. Of course! So she headed out the by pass to meet me, as it was such a beautiful day for a walk. I picked her up at Motor Vehicles on my way through. We threaded our way through Stratford and took a back road home. On the way we passed a house with some great Halloween decorating. They have this amazing witch on the power pole at their corner that Brenda had told me about. I tried to get a photo but it didn't turn out very good. I know she took one with her camera as well so I'm hopeful it turned out better. It's a homemade witch but it's great.  I always have such admiration for people who are so creative and can make something so great out of the simplest materials. It really is just a mask, some fabric and a couple of pieces of wood. Wait till you see it! It looks a little like this one someone has posted on the Weather Network...but this isn't it (although they could be sisters as they are both in Stratford!)

Otherwise, not much else is new. Brenda has a cousin who raises chickens and delivered some to her house last evening. I took 2 and she had 6. When I went to pick them up, we took that opportunity to dismember the birds in question, freezing them in small packages. Being as their household is quickly dwindling once more, it looks like it may just be Brenda and Bernie again. No need for enough food to feed 6 people at a time. Fortunately we didn't take any photos of the mess made in butchering the birds.  When I got home I also put ours in the freezer so we should be well stocked for a bit, as I had another one left over from an earlier purchase. I should do a re-arranging of my freezer because he's going to have more available in the next couple of weeks. They are such tasty chickens and it's really nice to know where they came from.

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