Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22 - a relaxing weekend - mostly

After lovely warm temperatures in the high teens all weekend, it's a slightly cooler 10' this morning and will only reach a high of 12' later, with a mix of sun and cloud.

All in all, it was a fairly quite weekend. Nothing much going on Saturday. I worked in the morning and Lloyd worked on roof trusses. So far there are 7 completed - only 21 more to go. I was lamenting the fact that I wasn't home to help. Unfortunately when I am home, I'm pretty much useless anyway. They are way too heavy for me to lift up so he has this complicated series of braces he uses to slowly lift them up and then flip them over, lowering them the same way. Needless to say that takes some time, but they are getting done. He's going to be off on Friday and Saturday and figures he should be able to get them done next weekend as he's also taking the following Monday as well. At this point the weather is looking like it might also cooperate but of course, it's WAY too early to count on that!

It was lovely and warm when I got home on Saturday afternoon so I puttered around outside and put my wood rack together. Then I loaded it up so I have a supply of wood in the back porch. I'm ready! We've been pretty lucky this fall, I've only had to light a fire a couple of times. Or maybe I'm just getting better acclimatized. I remember the first fall I was here, in 2009, and I had the fire going in September. I found it very cold and damp. But now it needs to get quite cold and damp before I feel the need to build a fire.

Sunday morning dawned foggy and wet. No bike rides for the guys that morning. So I busied myself by doing fun stuff inside like laundry! But I also baked some cookies and put a ham into the slow cooker for supper. Then in the afternoon Brenda called to suggest we go kayaking just down the road. But when I got there, the plan had changed ever so slightly. Let's go canoeing instead. I've only been in a canoe once in the past 30 years and it didn't end well. But what the heck, let's give it a try. So Bernie, Brenda, Caitlin and I headed out to a local spot known as Riverton, where there's a bridge crossing over the upper end of the Morell River. There were several people in the water fly fishing for salmon. James will want to know where that spot is! So, we put the boats in the water and headed out to sea!

The water was quite fast moving in some spots and at first it made me slightly nervous, especially in light of my last outing on the water in September. But I got over that fairly quickly and was able to enjoy the ride. For the first half of the trip, we had to do very little paddling because there was enough of a current that carried us along quite nicely. Pretty much all we had to do was steer. It was absolutely beautiful with the colours of the trees and a new section of river to explore. After we reached the Indian Bridge, a spot Brenda and I have put our kayaks in a couple of years ago, we made to decision to continue on to Morell.  Unfortunately for us, the current stops at the Indian Bridge so we had to pretty much paddle the entire way to the end. Needless to say, we were all pretty much done in by the time we reached our destination. But it was a beautiful day and I'm really glad I got out and did something physical, although my muscles might not be quite so pleased in the next couple of days.

Once home, I made a quick supper, watched something on TV while we ate, then headed off to a nice hot bath - the cure for everything!


  1. How are the arms and shoulders this morning? Everythings good with ours.

    1. Appears the hot bath did the trick - all good with no aches or pains (at least none out of the ordinary!!)
