Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29th - are you ready for "Hurricane Grandma?"

Out here in the Maritimes it's a pleasant 12' at 5:30 am with no wind - perhaps just the calm before the storm. We should reach a high of 14' later. They're telling us we could reach winds up to 80 km an hour but that's not at all unusual here, so at this point it might not be too bad for us. Southern Ontario, on the other hand, may not fare too well from Hurricane Sandy. But it's really anyone's guess at this point so we'll just have to wait  it out and see what happens.  We'll see if it lives up to the hype.

It was a pretty good weekend here, although we did get a bit of rain on Sunday. Fortunately it was sunny and clear most of Saturday so with a lot of help from some great friends - Bernie and Will, Lloyd was able to get the trusses all finished. Will came over on Friday afternoon and there were 14 done by the time they called it a day.

 By the time I got home around 3:00 on Saturday afternoon, they were all finished.

There was no one around when I got home and the car was gone. I assumed they'd gone for something to eat. But then I noticed a couple of drops of what appeared to be blood, on the floor inside the back door.  I was going to call Lloyd to find out who got hurt, when I noticed the house phone and his cell phone sitting on top of the BBQ.  So instead I called Brenda to see if she knew where everyone was. Her guys were out in the fields somewhere and she had no idea where Lloyd was but did say that Will mentioned that Lloyd managed to hurt himself but it didn't sound too serious. Good, nothing to worry about. A short time later he arrive home having been to Stratford to order more wood for the roof. 

Turns out he put a nail through his index finger on his left hand, with the nail gun. It went all the way through and was completely sticking out the other side. Fortunately he wasn't home alone. Bernie performed surgery on the nail by cutting off the piece sticking out the back side, so there wasn't so much to pull back through when it was removed. Needless to say there was lots of blood once it came out, so I'm really surprised there wasn't more around the place.  When I got home we took the bandaids off that he'd put on quite tightly to stop the bleeding and we cleaned it all up, applied some antibiotic cream and covered it with some gauze and tape. It's a little sore and a bit swollen but he says it's not very painful. Of course, you wouldn't want to hit it very hard on anything. Fortunately it missed the bone so it should heal okay, but we'll keep an eye out for any signs of infection.

Other than that it was a pretty uneventful weekend. We had a wedding at the Rec Centre on Saturday night so that was pretty much it. Sunday was wet in the morning and kind of drizzled once in a while so it wasn't a great day to get out and do anything. Instead I stayed indoors and baked a batch of bread, made some cookies and a baked pudding for dessert. Lloyd had made a big pot of split pea soup on Saturday night, sore hand and all, so we invited the Van Gaals to join us for a late lunch/early supper - whatever you wish to call it. Lloyd also made a warm Cheese and Sausage dip that was really tasty with nacho chips.  So a hearty soup with friends over a couple of glasses of wine - what better way to pass a dreary fall day.

But we can't complain. Rumour has it that there was snow falling in Guelph yesterday afternoon,  and Caitlin advised that they had to shovel snow in Edmonton yesterday! So sitting here in the rain at 10' doesn't seem so bad. Patti and Greg and the kids were in Gravenhurst for the weekend for a hockey tournament. They made it to the final game and lost 4 to 2. But apparently they played really well and James was voted player of the game so there were some redeeming qualities about the weekend. He even got to do a little fishing with some of his teammates but it was cold and wet so not a totally successful outing. But I'm sure they still had fun. Bonus points for the really nice hotel they stayed at with a great indoor pool so everyone had a great time, even the non-hockey playing members of the team!

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