Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday, January 20th - an eventful weekend all around

It's a little cooler now, -4 this morning that would feel more like -9 if it was windy, but for the moment, things are still and calm. There's a bright moon shining down on the new fallen snow and it's quite a lovely morning.  We should reach a high of -1 later so not too bad for the moment. More cold weather may be on the way later in the week, but we'll see.

We had a little snow on Saturday evening, and a bit more last night but nothing of any significance but at least it's covered up all the mud and looks so much cleaner and fresher.

I worked on Saturday morning but had gotten up early to do some prep for company. Charles and Laura were coming for supper so I did what I could before work. I left Lloyd a note with what needed to be finished when he got home, after his nap. It was a beautiful mild morning with no snow anywhere. As I went out to the craft room to pick something up, I looked over at the chicken house and thought, wouldn't it be great if they could be outside on such a nice day. So I added build a chicken fence to Lloyd's to do list. I certainly didn't mean it had to be done that day. But when he got home he agreed it might be nice for them. We had all the materials to put up the electric fencing as we had used it in the summer for the chicks. It kept our birds in and predators out. Worked very well. Because the posts are very thin and just stick into the ground, and the wire is strung around, it takes little time to put together. Once that was done and everything was working, he opened the doors to let our little flock outside. And in his words, they just walked away! Literally, they just pushed through the spaces in between the wires and it never fazed a single one. Now all 10 birds are wandering all around the whole yard. I guess it was quite a task to round them all up and get them back into their enclosure. Now what to do? Being the resourceful type that he is, he gathered up some used pallets that we had lying around, and fashioned a fence out of those. The electric wire still runs along the inside perimeter so foxes and such won't be able to get in  (hopefully) and the chickens can't get out.  He didn't have enough pallets to complete the job but fortunately our next door neighbor has an abundance in his yard.  It's not the prettiest but it works for now.  They quite enjoyed spending the afternoon outside picking in the grass, and digging up worms.

Needless to say he didn't get a lot of sleep before I got home, but he had enough to get him through the evening. Charles and Laura arrived and we had a lovely dinner with them and a great visit.  It had started snowing so they left a little earlier than they might have but it is almost an hours drive for them to get home and we weren't sure how much snow was going to fall.

Sunday morning I got up early and cleaned up from the night before and then had the entire day ahead of me. I had done some laundry the day before so really had nothing to do, so I spent pretty much the entire day out in the craft room. It was wonderfully relaxing. Lloyd was working downstairs on wiring and every once in a while he would drop up for a cup of tea and a cookie.

Meanwhile,  Brenda called to advise that Bernie had finally agreed to go to the hospital. He's been experiencing very extreme back pain for a number of days and like most men, was too stubborn to admit it's not getting much better. Finally he conceded that perhaps some medical intervention might be necessary! So off to town in an ambulance, as that was the only way they could get him there. At last report, last night, he's resting somewhat more comfortably than he was at home and is in good hands. Today they will run some tests to try to find out what the problem is.  He made the right call.

Patti and the two younger kids were at a speed skating meet in Milton all weekend. On Saturday, Tristen was racing and was in the lead. As they approached the last lap, there's a bell that rings to tell them it's the final one, and he thought the race was over so he stopped. OOOOPS!  But he got the hang of it and did better the next time round. Meghan was also pleased with her performance.  Unfortunately one of the older skaters got hurt. He's from their club and is 17. He took a skate to the knee and had to be taken to hospital where he got five stitches right on the top of his knee cap. Any bending of the knee is out of the question of course, or the stitches will be ripped out. Unfortunately this young mans family was away on vacation so there was no one to call. Patti went with him to the hospital and was texting back and forth with his frantic and worried mom. Patti's cousin was at the arena and stayed with our kids. Not a great way to end the weekend but it could have been much worse.  Those skate blades are very sharp.

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