Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31st - more snow on the way?

Its ben a lovely couple of days. Not extremely cold and nice and sunny.This morning is only -6 and we should go up to 1' later with a mix of sun and cloud.  But then we may see a bunch of snow on the weekend.  We have some company coming on Sunday for supper so we'll see how that goes.  We'll just have to wait and see what the day brings.  If we have to reschedule, we can do that.

Not a lot going on. The biggest news I suppose is that Bernie is coming home today. At least that was the plan yesterday. He's making good progress and still has a ways to go but he's up and moving around a bit now, albeit with assistance. Meghan(1) is coming home for a week to see her dad. She's fortunate to be able to work from home while she's here.

I see on the desk here all kinds of Google map instructions. Lloyd's planning a bike trip to Newfoundland. Hopefully it will be a little more successful than the last one he took a number of years ago.  I think it was in 1990 when he and our friend Walt headed off to the rock on their bikes.  Unfortunately Walt hit a moose and ended up in hospital for a while. Fortunately he fully recovered but at the time it was a pretty scary experience for all.  Lloyd plans to go to Cape Breton to visit our friend Seaward first and then continue on from there. He's planning to visit with some old friends he hasn't seen in a long time.  It's a long way off at this point, but half the fun of a trip is in the planning anyway.

I'm using a week's vacation for a conference we have coming up and the other week will be split up with a trip to Ontario in June to see Meghan's dance recital and also a trip to Victoria, probably in the next month or so, to visit a friend who will be in hospital there. That's the extent of my traveling for this year.  But we just never know who may drop out to visit.

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