Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 29th - I'm sure Ontario will be happy to see the end of this month!

I was talking with Patti the other night and they are sooooo fed up with cold weather. It's just been non stop cold for them. We've had it colder than usual as well but at least we've had the odd bit of mild weather thrown in to break it up.  This week is a good example. It's been biting cold again for a couple of days and this morning i not so bad - 12'  but no wind, and heading for a high of -9' later but we are supposed to reach 0 by Saturday and rain again on Sunday. Thank you Mother Nature! We'll never wear out our skis at this rate.

Not a lot going on at the moment. We had dance class last night after a couple of weeks off. We were all impressed with how much we actually remembered.  It's coming along, slowly, but it's coming along.

After class it was a well deserved plate of nachos and glass of beer. Brenda had spent the day in town and didn't plan to come back in but Bernie needed some sneakers for his therapy, so she decided if she had to come back in, it might as well be for a really good reason! Nachos and beer ARE a really good reason.

Bernie is coming along nicely. I stopped in to see him for a few minutes last night and he's actually able to move around a bit more. Much better than a week ago. They're doing physical therapy and occupational therapy with him each day to help get him moving around again, as the back pain is slowly settling down. He's thinking he may be sent home sometime sooner rather than later, although it would be nice to know what the future plans are for his treatment. That's not yet been decided. Baby steps, I suppose. Get him back up and around first is a good place to start.

It's taken a month, but we're finally back to our healthy eating regime again. Too many treats around the house left over from Christmas, makes it very difficult. The cold weather also tends to make you want to eat more I think. Lloyd was going to work in the garage yesterday but it was just too darned cold. He's been using the time instead to make us some healthy soups and chili.  Great options for both of us to take to work in our lunches. It's much easier to eat healthy if it's already made and ready to just be put into a container. So I'm pretty grateful to him for that. Makes putting together a lunch so convenient in the morning.

Grandson James is coming for a visit. He's going to spend a few days with us over the Easter weekend. I think Lloyd is maybe planning to have a few chicks ready to hatch out about that time, but we'll see how things progress if and when it ever warms up - and we know it will.  It's just so hard to imagine what a warm day feels like at the present time!

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