Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday, July 6th - have I got an idea!

It's another overcast, gray day dawning with a chance of showers this morning. Right now it's 18', heading for 24' later. The afternoon should be sunny and humid making it feel more like 30'. Unfortunately we didn't get much rain yesterday at all, and we can really use it. We got some but no where near what was expected. Hopefully we'll get a little more this morning.

Okay, so yesterday morning we're driving to work through Mount Stewart. There's a little restaurant on the corner that's been closed down for a couple of years and it's for sale, for an amazingly low price. By the time I got to work I had a plan. There's already a restaurant in the village but why not a bake shop? The ideas swirled around my head all day long and I jotted them down on a piece of paper at my desk.  I contacted the listing agent and made an appointment to go and look at it at 6:00.
When we went through town, she was already waiting for us. It needs some work to make it into what I imagine it could be and of course there is no equipment so that would also need to be acquired.  But it really does have potential. Of course, when Lloyd picked me up at 5:00 and I said     'We need to talk",  he had no idea what scatterbrained scheme I've come up with this time.  The only trouble is there is already an offer on it that's been accepted but the person hasn't actually seen it. He's flying in today to look at it and will turn it into 3 apartments - which is crazy because it's not that big. But that's just my opinion. The agent suggested that we could put in an offer and if this fellow decides he doesn't want it then our offer would come up next as there was also someone else coming to look at it at 7:00 last night. The price is so good that I can't imagine he won't take it,  just for the lot. But I guess we'll have to see. I'm a little disappointed because I had a great plan. But everything happens for a reason so I have to accept whatever takes place.

Meanwhile we're making plans for the Village Feast on Sunday. I had a phone call from someone on the organizing committee asking if we had a burner we could bring to use for cooking potatoes. I think the plan is to have lots with pots but that's a lot of burners for potatoes for 1,000 people, plus the crew.  It doesn't look like the military kitchen is coming this year. I initially told Rika we didn't have one of those little ones but then we talked about it and Lloyd went out to fire up the lobster pot and it worked like a charm. So I sent this photo to Rika and suggested that we'll bring along our pot as well. It just means we have to be there a little earlier than planned on Sunday but that's okay. It seems kind of strange to not go until 1:00 when a lot of the work will be done. I haven't heard back from her yet about what time they plan to put the potatoes on but I expect I'll hear from her this morning.

Brenda should be in Vancouver by now. She was leaving yesterday around lunch time, stopping in Toronto and then flying out early in the evening.  I checked the Vancouver weather and it looks like it will be pretty much perfect the whole time they're there - sunny and 23 or 24'. Can't ask for better than that! 

We also received an email last night from one of the Great Gulf people who is vacationing here on the east coast. They plan to be on the island Saturday, Sunday and Monday so we're going to get together with them before they leave.  Lloyd invited a lot of people from his old company, so we may be in for a lot of visitors in the next few years - and that's a good thing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi from Vancouver! We had a good flight last night and arrive at the hotel with not too many problems! Glad to see you are getting the pot ready for the Mussels at the church picnic. Thanks Village feast.
    We are having an easy morning and plan to head out in a little while.
    Too bad about the restaurant.Have fun in Souris
