Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday, July 24th - another coincidental meeting

It's a cooler morning with a promise of only 22' later. We should get some rain later but they've promised that before and not delivered. Let's hope the brilliant red sky at 5:00 am was a true indication of some badly needed rain.

This week Lloyd is working 10 am to 6 pm so it gives him a bit of time in the morning and then I have some free time when I get home. Last night as I drove up the road, I noticed that he had cut the front lawn and I was amazed at how brown and dry it was. There's still lots of green but the brown patches of dry grass are there - something I've not seen here before. Usually it stays lush and green all summer long. We just need a couple of days of continuous, gentle rain and everything will be back as it should be.

I finally got to the weeds in my front flower bed before Lloyd got home so I was very happy with that. When he arrived, we decided to make a trip into Stratford to look at yet another sofa.

In our quest for a new one,, we saw an ad online from an older lady who had purchased a very nice set about 5 months ago but has since moved into a smaller apartment and it's a little too big. The style and price were good so we thought we may as well check it out.  When we arrived she was apologizing for the 2 mosquitoes that were outside by her door. We laughed and told her not to worry, we were accustomed to many more. She asked where we lived and it turns out she's the lady friend of the fellow who used to own this place. Regular readers will remember the story of my finding Edwin Walsh quite by accident when he came into the dealership one day back in the spring. He came out for dinner and when I invited him, he mentioned that his 'lady friend' was away out west. Turns out that's who we met last night. It's such a small world here on the island.

We didn't choose to take the sofa, but we spent quite a while chatting. She seems like a very lovely person and I hope we will meet her again, which I'm sure we will.  I have this idea. When our friends Judi and Gail are here, towards the end of August, I'd like to have a get together, maybe a corn roast and invite lots of people (well, the few that I know!) We can put up the big tent in the yard and hope the weather cooperates so we can eat outside.  But more on that later.

By the time we got home, had a quick bite to eat, that was it for the day.  I thought about calling Brenda to see how work was progressing in the bathroom. Their company ended up not arriving as scheduled so it allowed them to go ahead with more work on that project.  But I figured she was either still busy, or really tired and gone to bed by then. I'll check in with her later today.

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