Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15th - Happy BIrthday Cathy!

It's a chilly -2' this morning and it's only going to move slightly to 0' by this afternoon. We MIGHT get up to 10 cm of snow between this morning and tomorrow morning but we'll see. Hopefully there won't be quite so much.

The last couple of days have been very mild and lots of the snow has melted. Our lane was very soft and squishy on Wednesday but the warm temperatures really helped dry things up yesterday. When I got home the large pool of water sitting in the middle of the back yard was greatly reduced and the lane was quite a bit firmer. It's still soft but at least you could drive up it without fear of getting stuck part way.  If we do get any amount of snow,  at least we know it won't be around too long.

I really must be careful what I ask for because it usually creates more work. Yesterday morning I asked if there was any possibility that my new sink might get installed before Easter. The response was 'probably not' and I was okay with that. So you can imagine my surprise when I got home yesterday from work to find  Lloyd on the floor with his head under the sink and the contents of the cupboard strewn across the kitchen floor. He was just about done and had one more thing to fasten before it was finished. He completed what needed to be done then kept his fingers crossed as he turned on the water that there were no leaks - and there weren't.

We spent the next little while sorting out the stuff from under the sink and throwing half of it out. Some of it were things that have been under there for almost 4 years and never used - time to get rid of them.  Once that was complete we had supper and then I washed the dishes. I have to say, I love my new sink! It's quite a bit deeper than the old one and just looks so much nicer. So a big thanks has to go to Lloyd. It was supposed to be a rainy day so he thought he might as well get to it as there wasn't really anything else he could do. How were we to know that it would turn out to be a beautiful mild and sunny day! But the inside of the garage is still quite icy from rain and snow that came in over the winter and will need a bit more time before he can work out there.  So I guess that really worked to my advantage !

I didn't plan to, but I ended up stopping in at Zellers again yesterday at lunch. It was the last day for their closing out sale and there was very little left. I'd been in the day before and they had a huge bin of various knitting yarns outside in the mall. I looked at them but the colour choices weren't great so I left it. Some of it was a chenille type and I figured I could weave it but I really don't need any more supplies, at least until my work space is complete. Problem was I went back yesterday and they had reduced it down to 9 cents a ball - now really, how could I not buy more?  So I came home with a huge  bag of various yarns that ended up costing a whopping $5.00 I'm sure I'll come up with some kind of projects I can use it for.

This afternoon Brenda has to bring her bus into town and leave it for March Break so she'll need a ride home at the end of the day. Gosh, she needs picking up just as I'm finished work.  Guess we'll just have to stop in town somewhere and have some supper and maybe a beer or glass of wine! Funny how that works out sometimes!  She's headed off to Halifax in the morning and won't likely be back until Monday. She and Lloyd are going to get together later next week and spend a day making sausages. They both have a lot of meat that's been designated  just for that purpose, in the freezer, and I know Lloyd is anxious to try out some of the supplies he picked up when he was away this last time.  Should be a good day for them.

Lastly, a Happy Birthday to my friend Cathy, in Ontario. We went to public school together and with the number of times I've moved in my lifetime, I'm happy that we've managed to keep in touch all these years.  I never have trouble remembering her birthday on the 15th of March because someone on the radio always says "Beware the Ides of March" so there's no chance I'll forget! Have a great day Cathy!

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