Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13th - it's been a bargain hunters week so far

This morning it's a damp 5' and we'll reach a rainy 9' later. We really need that to get rid of the snow. The one big storm that blew in huge drifts, has left big piles of snow in area around the yard so we really need some rain to take care of those. It's been slowly going down but the rain and mild temperatures will surely help out.

Monday at lunch I headed out to a local used furniture store that was closing down. I was a little late getting there as pretty much everything was gone. I hadn't realize they were closing until last week and forgot all about it until we drove by on Sunday and saw the sign for the second time. So I took a browse around at the few remaining bits and pieces. There was a large harvest style of table sitting in the corner. It looked fairly big so I asked just what the measurements were. I want to put  a table in my craft room, when it's finished, measuring 8 ft by 4 ft. So the fellow measured this one and it's 8 ft by 44 inches - close enough for this kind of work! So then I asked how much it was. He asked what I wanted to pay for it and I replied that I had no idea what it was worth. Keeping in mind that he has to have everything out of the place by this afternoon (Wednesday)  he was eager to strike a bargain. When he suggested a price of $25.00 I was sold. But it had to be moved out on Tuesday. So I paid for my new find and left. Later on Monday evening I picked Lloyd up at the airport at 7:00.  While we were driving home I asked what his plans were for Tuesday and he kind of just smiled and said "I guess I haven't been told yet!".  So his job was to get the trailer unstuck out of the ice and go into town to pick it up. Last night I helped put it into the garage. It seems to be fairly well made because it weighs a LOT. Of course the yard in front of the garage is very mucky so it was no easy task to get it inside but we did it. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

It was a bargain type of day because while I waited to go to the airport, I dropped into Zellers which is closing in another couple of days. There's very little left at this point but I did find some table napkins that were 80% off so that was good. I have some white ones that are quite old but and some of them are getting kind of stained and it's time they were replaced. So it was a great day for me! Those who know me know how much I love a good bargain!

Last night when I got home I participated in a conference call with the girls involved in our IAAP conference. It lasted longer than I had expected - from 5:30 to 7:00.  It was a good meeting and a great way to iron out some of the details, especially with the distance involved.  Once I was off the phone, and had supper, then I set about sewing together my sample quilt block. I was afraid it might be tricky because the blocks are sewn on the bias but it actually went together better than I expected. Now that I know I can make it work, I can start on the real quilt. I found some pretty fabrics yesterday that will be nice for a baby but aren't the traditional baby blues and pinks. I think the new parents will like it.  I think I'll enjoy making it.  But the baby is due the beginning of June so I'd better get busy. I also have my second weaving lesson on Monday and I need to have my warp wound and fastened onto the back of the loom so I'd better get cracking on that as well. As Tristen will say "Focus, Grandma, focus!"

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